Page 91
The regular meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary to
the Sandy Spring Volunteer Fire Department was
held Feb. 5, 1953. Bad weather canceled our January
The minutes of the previous meeting were read
and approved. The following treasurer's report
was given : - Balance on hand Oct. 2 - $579.54
Expenditures -
Martins Dairy - $3.00
Sandy Spring Store - 1.63
Balance on hand Feb. 5 - $574.91
In calling for Committee reports it was brought
to our attention the House Committee has purchased
tumblers. It was moved and seconded we pay
the bill that amounted to $2.40.
There has been two emergency calls since
our last meeting. $19.28 was the total bill
and it was moved and seconded we pay
the bill promptly. Hereafter the Emergency
Committee can use up to $50 for such
emergency calls without having to bring the
bills in front of our meeting.
The Social Functions Committee asks help
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