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PROGRAM of The National Woman Suffrage Conference, To Be Held At Y.M.C.A. Hall Monday, April Eighteenth, 2:30 and 8 P. M. Tuesday, April Nineteenth, 2:30 P. M. Admission Free
Also At Friends' Meeting House, (Cor. Park Ave. and Laurens St.) Tuesday, April Nineteenth, 8 P. M.
Baltimore, 1898
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Program Monday, April 18th 2:30 P. M. Presiding Officer, Mary G. Hay Prayer - Mrs. E. B. Murdoch
Address of Manager - Carrie Chapman Catt
Symposium on Woman Suffrage - "Does the Wife Need it?" - R. Henry Holme "Does the Mother need it?" - Mary Bentley Thomas "Does the Working Woman need it?" - Wm - Dr. J. Wm. Funck "Does the Business Woman need it?" - J. S. Dinwoodie "Does the Tay-paying Woman need it?" - Jane B. M. Bristor (Time limit on each paper, ten minutes)
Announcements and Adjournment
8 P. M.
Prayer - Rev. A. B. Abbott
Address: "The True Democracy" - Carrie Chapman Catt
Tuesday, April 19th 10:30 A. M. (Executive Session)
Plan for Organization
Instructions to Officers
2:30 P. M. Prayer - Mary R. Haslup
"Would Woman Suffage Benefit the State." - Frederick M. Pennock and Dr. O. Edw. Janney "How May the Suffrage Be Won." - Carrie Chapman Catt and Mary G. Hay
Question Box - Conducted by Rev. Ann H. Shaw
Friends' Meeting House, Park Avenue and Laurens Street 8 P. M. Presiding Officer, Mary Bentley Thomas President State W. S. A.
Prayer - Rev. Anna H. Shaw
Address - Rev. Wm. R. Lord
Address - Rev. Anna H. Shaw
Closing Remarks of Manager - Carrie Chapman Catt
Music under the direction of Emma Maddox Funck
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National American Woman Suffrage Association
Officers: Honorary President, Elizabeth Cady Stanton. President, Susan B. Anthony. Vice-President at Large, Rev. Anna H. Shaw. Corresponding Secretary, Racher Foster Avery. Recording Secretary, Alice Stone Blackwell. Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton. Chairman Committee on Organization, Carrie Chapman Catt.
State. President, Mary Bentley Thomas. Vice-President, Pauline W. Holme. Secretary, Annie A. Lamb. Treasurer, Mary E. Moore.
Baltimore City. President, Annie R. Lamb. Vice-President, Dr. Flora A. Brewster. Secretary Margaret S. Clarke. Treasurer, Anne W. Janney.
East Baltimore President, Anna M. V. Davenport.