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On Tuesday, January 23 at 8 P.M. twenty people of the neighborhood met at the home of Mr & Mrs Brooke Johns and formed an organization to be called "The Citizens Protective Association Olney-Norbeck neighborhoods.
Mr. Calvin Bready was elected president and Myrtle B. Barnsley was appointed temporary secretary.
Object and aim of this organization are the improvement and protection of the neighborhood.
Any person of good moral character who is willing to support all good measures for the upholdining of the neighborhood is eligible for membership.
There shall be a president, his vice presidents, secretary and chaplain. Officers shall be elected each year, at annual meeting.
A meeting may be held if there are seven members present.
All meetings shall be called to order at
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8 P.M. at the home of Brooke Johns on the second, and fourth Tuesdays of every month until further notice be given.
The By laws may be changed at any meeting by the 2/3 vote of members present, if notice is given 30 days before this meeting.
The Executive Board is to be composed of Pres, vice presidents, secretary and five members at large which are to be elected.
Order of business as follows. Meeting called to order. Minutes of last minute Reports of committees Old business New business
Brooke Johns was appointed a committee of one to have a representative from either P.E.P.Co or telephone Co., as a speaker at our next meeting The minutes were verified Adjourned M.B. Barnsley Sec. pro tem
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Feb. 14.
The Citizens Protective Association was called to order at the home of Brooke Johns Tues. Feb. 14 at 8 P.M. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted.
Brooke Johns made a statement for the benefit of those present who were not at the last meeting why he wanted such an organization formed simply a protective, progressive idea. He is happy to report that he had secured Mr. Melvin Sharpe [ere?] Vice Pres. of the P.E.P. Co as our speaker whom he, at this time introduced to the organization.
In 1930 we were paying about 11¢ per labour at which at present has been practically reduced to ½. The Co. is anxious to find out in just what ways they can help us. Just what development we would like to have out here. At this time Mr. Sharpe invites questions, as to our problems. Brooke Johns wants to know if Mr. Sharpe won't use his influence toward
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getting the high rate for extension of lines reduced. He promises to investigate the volume of light we receive but can give no promise as to reduction of rates per per kil. He also promised to investigate the eccessive rate as we see it of the extension of lines. Personally Mr. Sharpe prefers one meter, as rate decreases as use increases. Brooke Johns asks how we could go about getting a stop and go light at Olney and what would be the cost of installation and maintenance. Mr. Sharpe promises to investigate and let us know. Mr. Beane is interested in having lighted road. Mr. Sharpe was thanked for his kindness in coming out to talk to us. Mr. Micholson Supervisor of this division of the telephone company was introduced at this time, and was asked to answer questions put to him. We can be on the Kensington