Feb. 14.
The Citizens Protective Association was called
to order at the home of Brooke Johns Tues. Feb. 14 at
8 P.M. The minutes of the last meeting were
read and adopted.
Brooke Johns made a statement for the benefit of
those present who were not at the last meeting
why he wanted such an organization formed
simply a protective, progressive idea. He is
happy to report that he had secured Mr. Melvin
Sharpe [ere?] Vice Pres. of the P.E.P. Co as our
speaker whom he, at this time introduced to
the organization.
In 1930 we were paying about 11¢ per labour at
which at present has been practically reduced
to ½. The Co. is anxious to find out in just
what ways they can help us. Just what development
we would like to have out here. At this
time Mr. Sharpe invites questions, as to our
problems. Brooke Johns wants to know if Mr.
Sharpe won't use his influence toward
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