Page 5



Status: Complete

getting the high rate for extension of lines
reduced. He promises to investigate the
volume of light we receive but can
give no promise as to reduction of rates per per kil.
He also promised to investigate the eccessive
rate as we see it of the extension of lines.
Personally Mr. Sharpe prefers one meter, as rate
decreases as use increases. Brooke Johns asks
how we could go about getting a stop and go
light at Olney and what would be the cost of
installation and maintenance. Mr. Sharpe
promises to investigate and let us know.
Mr. Beane is interested in having lighted
Mr. Sharpe was thanked for his kindness in
coming out to talk to us.
Mr. Micholson Supervisor of this division of the
telephone company was introduced at this
time, and was asked to answer questions
put to him. We can be on the Kensington

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