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The Olney-Norback Citizens Protective Association Officers - Executive Committee CALVIN BEARDY - President DORSEY DOWNEY - 1st Vice-President H. H. LADSON - 2nd Vice-President MYRTLE B. BARNSLEY - Secretary-Treasurer C. BREADY - DORSEY DOWNEY H. H. LADSON - M. B. BARNSLEY L. W. BURNS - BROOKE JOHNS JOHNS BEANE - B. MARTON A. DINEWIDDIE Olney. Md.
Major Ezra B. Whitman. State Road Commissioner. Baltimore, Md.
Dear Sir:
Our Association has requested that I get in touch with you regarding certain things of importance on our highway between Silver Springs and Brookville, Md.
#1 That a signal be placed at the entrance of the Manor Club, on the West side, of the North entrance.
#2 That the gravel shoulders of the road, be repaired. In some places it is six inches below that shoulder of the road. This when wet becomes a very hazardous road.
#3 I am again calling your attention to the promise that you made my Committee and myself personally, that you would put the center line on this highway. This center line as I told you when I called on you, was a great help to motorists on a foggy night. I certainly hope you will have this line put in before fall.
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The Olney-Norbeck Citizens Protective Assooociation
Officers - Executive Committee CALVIN BREADY - President DORSEY DOWNY - 1st Vice-President H.H. LADSON - 2nd Vice-President MYRTLE B. BARNSLEY - Secretary-Treasurer C. BREADY - DORSEY DOWNEY H. H. LADSON - M. B. BARNSLEY L. W. BURNS - BROOKE JOHNS JOHN BEANE - B. MARTIN A. DINEWIDDIE
#4 There has been rumors in the neighborhood of widening the road between Olney and Silver Springs, Md. My Association would like to know if this is authentic.
Any cooporation that you will be able to give us, will be deeply appreciated by the Association.
Very truly yours, John M. Beane Chairman of the Highway Comm.