Meeting Minutes: The Olney-Norbeck Citizens Protective Association, ca 1939-1940



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exchange if we are willing to pay the rate per mile from the office. He wants us to have dial phones which he thinks are the best and is quite sure they are to be installed on this exchange.

The question was asked if notices were to be sent for every meeting. Mr. Beane made a motion that notices were to be sent for each meeting which was seconded, and carried.

Mr. Beane made a motion that $1 per family be paid, as dues each year, carried.

Election of officers followed with the following results. 1st V.P.-Dorsey Downey 2nd V.P. H.H. Ladson sec. treas. Myrtle B. Barnsley Ex Board elected as follows. (Mem. at large) L.W. Burns Barbara Martin Brooke Johns Alice Dunwiddie John Beane and the officers. M.B.B.

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Feb. 28

Olney Norbeck The Citizen's Protective Association met Tues. Feb. 28 at 8P.M. with Mr.& Mrs. Brooke Johns. The meeting was called to order by the Pres. Calvin Bready. Minutes were read and adopted.

Brooke Johns reports for Mr. Sharpe that he had ridden over these back roads but could not tell yes as to rates of extension but he would bring out the Pres. of the Co. to go over the road, as suggested.

Mr. Sharpe advises we get a speaker from the Public Utilities Commission in Baltimore from whom he is sure we shall get cooperation. M. Root, chief engineer of the Parking and Planning Commission was introduced at this time. The extension of the Metropolitan Area will be from Norbeck to Brookeville to Brighton to [Palunint?] River and Prince George's Co. line and the increase in tax rate will 3 ¢ on $100: It will also extend for 300 ft on the west side of the Brookeville Road. Those who come within

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this area will be protected from such things as road side markets, growing into beer, gardens and all such undesirable things.

Zones are divided into residental and commercial. Zoning will have no effect on buildings you will want to erect on your own farms. For instance you might have a stand to sell your own farm products but not to buy, and sell again. You also cannot rent space for road signs. We should look into regulations which are handled by Count Com. A group reconstruction should be written up which would protect our land in all details. This will only cost for the writing of the articles. (Inspection)

Brooke Johns wants to know will the extension of the Met. area have any effect on our getting reductions in public utilities i.e. telephone and electric rates. Mr. Root does not know but feels it should. He suggests we shall ask the Co. Com. to set up another zone.

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Mr. Beane makes a motion that we adopt Mr. Root's plan, as to zoning (which only refers to area mapped out.) seconded & carried. The plan would run for a given length of time and if found unsatisfactory can be repealed by a majority vote.

Mr. Beane makes a motion that we write a letter to the proper authorities saying we indorse this zoning proposition and want area extended 1mile west of Brookeville Pike carried. Mr. Brendy thanks Mr. Root for coming out to give us this information.

Mahlon Kirk moves that at present we have no limit to the area we include in this region. seconded and carried

Brooke John will have speaker from Public Utilities at our next meeting. Moved & carried we have our next meeting in two week, Mar. 14. Adg. M.B.B. sec.

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The Olney-Norbeck Citizens Protective Ass. met with Mr. & Mrs. Brooke Johns Tues. Mar. 14. The meeting was called to order by the pres. Calvin Bready at 8.15 P.M. Minutes read, corrected & adopted as corrected. Brooke Johns reports that he has been to see the Public Utilities Comm. of Md. at Balto. and had had a very satisfactory talk with the sec. Mr. Harper. After stating to him our troubles concerning the telephone and electric light rates Mr. Harper thought it best he take time to take the matter up commissioners, investigate and report to us at a latter meeting. M. Johns also investigated the matter of lights for Olney & Norbeck. The cost would be 450 & 400 respectively. M. Sharpe said he would let us farm the cost of lighting roads. We felt the matter of traffic lights should be financed by Plates Road Com. Again we have the matter of telephone-dial rates etc. There is a decided opinion concerning dial system but the consensus of opinion seems that if the matter of fire alarms can be satisfactorly arranged then we are willing for it to be installed. Mr Beane makes a motion the pres. appoints a com of 3 to write a petition to be sent to the

Last edit 5 months ago by Theakir
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