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telephone co. signed by individuals of the organization asking for a reduction on toll rates, seconded, carried Mr. Powell, Mr. Beane & Mrs. Palmer are the com. named Mr. Bready asks us to change the sec. Tues. meeting to some other nught when there are not so many things going on. Mrs. Dinwiddie makes a motion we have our meetings on the 4th Tues of the month, subject to call for any needed extra meetings, seconded, carried. Mr. Johns introduced Mr. Watson Frame our com. & Mr. Hampden pres. of the board of com. Mr. Johns told these gentlemen our problems & they promised their support. Mr. Hampden says we are headed in the right direction to get the things we want. The question is asked could we get a zoning restriction through this area as to building of small undesirable houses. Mr. Hampden says no. The Co. Com. have asked the Brookings Institute to recommend some good men for appraisers. Mr. Beane makes a motion to go on record as opposing out of co. appraisers - carried. Motion made we write the Co. com. stating our objection carried. Mr. Parker also asks co. com. for road end sign at Brookeville. Motion made we sent minutes to papers carried.
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The Olney Norbeck Citizens Protective Association met at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Brooke Johns Tues. Mar. 28. The meeting was called to order by pres. Mr. Brady. Miutes read & adopted. Sec reports minutes of last meeting were sent to the star and sentinel papers which printed them. Letter read from Co. com. stating they had received our protest against employing outside assessors and would give it their consideration. Mrs. Palmer states she could not approve the plans formulated by com. stating our protests to telephone co. so, they had no report. Mr. Beane's idea is to increase basic rate & stay on Ashton [?] [?] 5¢ rate to D.C. The improved dial system eliminates the box on the wall ringing bell & the rural lines will be limited to 8. If this system goes through there will be a reduction of rates within radius of Olney. The Ashton exchange will remain where it is but our operators will be a Silver Spring. Mrs. Dinwiddie moves we find out just what we want, then have Mr. Nichols come back & give us information wanted - seconded - carried. Mr. Beane makes a motion the exec com. take up Mrs. Dinwiddie's idea & bring back to the next meeting what
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we want seconded - carried Mr Kirk makes motion Mr. Nicholson be with us from time to time to keep us informed - seconded - carried Mr Johns makes report from Public Utilities a letter read from Mr. Harper enclosing one from telephone Co also one written to Mr. Harper by the P.E.P.Co. stating they cannot reduce rates on extension of lines because we are in rural area. Mr. Beallcher states Road Com. will send out men to investigate our needs for traffic lights.
Mr. Parker moved we have the proper stationary made seconded - carried. Mr. Johns will see to it.
Adj. M.B.B.
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The Olney - Norbeck Citizen's Protective Association met with Mr & Mrs. Brooke Johns Tues. April 25 at 8:15 P.M. The meeting was called to order by the pres. Mr. Calvin Bready. Minutes of Mar. 28 were read and adopted. Mr Bready apologized to the two members of the exc. com. who were omitted from the exc. meeting at his home Mr. Nicholson is with us again and tells us there is a certain amt. set aside for each area of the telephone and that to give us 10¢ rate to Wash. & 5¢ rate to Rock. would cost each subscriber at least 33% more per yr. on their bill. So for the present we decide to let the matter rest. Also Mr. Bready feels the dial system will be o.k. The fire situation will be adequately taken care of. Brooke Johns makes a motion a cme of 5 be appointed to see Mrs. Harper of the Public Utilities, state our situation and get a definite (that is basic rate as is & the 10 & 5¢ toll rates) answer to our question, carried. The com is Brooke Johns, Mahlon Kirk, Aubrey Powell, Frances Hawkins, & H.H. Ladson.
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Mr. Beane reports the exec. com. agreed to write the State Roads Com. asking that stop & go lights be installed at Olney at their expense also that the Brookeville Pike be straightened out as to curves & humps from D.C. line to Brookeville. B. Johns moves that this plan be adopted seconded & carried. Mr. Beane asks for a com. to be appointed to take care of this situation carried com. to be Mr. Beane Mr. Parker, L.C. Burns, J. M. Barnsly R. Lacy. Mr. Johns states he has done nothing about stationary because he did not know our wishes as to form etc. The sec. is to write the Gov. asking permission to use state seal of letter heads Mr Johns tells of an organization in the Glenmount neighborhood which is interested in the same things we are.
They would like us to attend one of their meeting and would also like to visit us. They are interested in a busline between the D.C. line & Olney. Their plan is to use 3 station wagons and they would like to know our attitude towards the question. The concensus of opinion is in favor of the bus line if the rates are reasonable. 30¢ has been suggested. Mr. Johns is to find out when their next meeting is to be and the sec. will