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notify members.
Mr. Johns asks permission to invite the Board of Co. Comi & the Glenmount organization to ur next meeting which was granted.
Do. Tumbleson being interested in the telephone situation is with us, and reports the Co. has installed a switch board in the hospital which during the day when some one is in the office to operate it is quite satisfactory but is of no value at night when there is only one nurse on duty. Adj.
M. B. Barnsley sec.
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The Olney-Norbeck Citizens Protective Association met at Brroke John's Old Barn, Tues May 23 at 8:15 P.M. with pres Calvin Bready presiding Minutes read, corrected & adopted. The sec. states she had no reply from Gov. in regards to using State Seal. Mr. Beane& part of his com. met with the State's Road Com. Mr. Smith taslked with them about their problems. Mr. Beane told him they had come for definite answers, not promises which could never be filled. The promised to thoroughly mark all dangerous intersections. One has already been put at Olney, also they would put the mark in the center of the road by first week in June. Later in the fall they will do some thing about the humps in the roads but would do nothing about straightening the road from dis line as later on they expect to widen the road There was no encouragement as to traffic lights as there are 500 petitions ahead of us but they would investigate the situation and do the best they could for us.
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Mahlon Kirk reports their son went before the Public Utilities & stated oue case on telephone rates. The Com. feels we have a peculiar situation here & they will investigate ^ try to get us a reduction. They state that eventually there is a possibility of Kens. Ashtonb & Rock. being combined. Mr Parker says the mem of the fire dept. called on him to sign a paper protesting the dial system as it will not take care of the fire alarms adequately. They expect a hearing before Public Utilities in the near future. Mr. Beane moves our com. be continued to work with Fire Co. Com. - seconded - carried. Mr. Burns moves the Roads com. stands to further up their [?] - carried. The Co. com. could not be with us. We are to have stationary printed with Md. coat of arms and if there is any trouble we shall have to purchase when. The roads com. will try to see our by roads are repaired. Mr. Beane moved a com. of 5 ladies be appointed as membership & attendance com. seconded carried. Mr. Johns asks that they call on Mr. Ickes explaining our
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Due to the fact that the animal hospital supper was held on our regular meeting night the Olney Norbeck Citizen's Protective Association held its regular monthly meeting Wed. July 26 at Brooke Johns Old Barn.
The meeting was called to order by the pres. Mr. Calvin Bready at 8:15 P.M. Minutes read & adopted. Mr. Bready feels the by roads should have some attention stating his road as an example, which has quite a hill at his entrance which hides traffic coming from the other direction, this needs leveling, and there are many such cases.
The sec. read a letter from the state's Roads Com. which Mr. Beane had received telling us of the things they were planning to do such as center line stripe in road. The humps in road near Glenmont to be removed. Dangerous signs put on curves near Aspen. Change stop signs at Olney. Danger signs on curves at the Wwaters property