Meeting Minutes: The Olney-Norbeck Citizens Protective Association, ca 1939-1940



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On Wed. Sept. 27 the Citizen's Protective Association met at the home of Mr. & BMrs. Brooke Johns. In the absence of the pres. the meeting was called to order by the sec. vice pres. Dr. H. H. Ladson.

Minutes read & adopted. A letter was read from the State Roads Com. telling us they would investigate our requests. Mr. Beane offered to write to the CFom. thanking them for what they had done for us and asking the center marking be done as soon as possible, also the road sign at Brookeville be changed to one to meet the needs.

A letter was read from the Chief of Police acknowledging the receipt of our letter and promised to investigate the matter of the way the beer joints are run especially as to the parking question. Much discussion took place as to the way these places are operated. Mr. Beane feels we are too late to do much with the situation as the district was voted wet & each person has a right to his license. Mr. Beane makes a motion a com. of 5 members

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be appointed to consider the best way to handle this question with power to act sec. carried The chair appointed Messrs. Beane, Burns, Parker, English & Muir A copy of the letter Mr. Beane had written to the Co. Com, in regards to sign on Co. road opposite Mr. Kimmel's entrance near road. They promised something would be done about it.

Mrs. Downey sends her report on bus question. A private citizen will take the bus line in the Spring eith one way fare 40¢. A survey of residents will be taken to estimate the number of persons likely to use the bus.

Mr. Johns brings up the matter of Mr. Brooke Lees new Housing project. He feels we should investigate as to where they are to be placed as he fears one unit may be near us.

Mr. English thinks it a good plan to appoint a com. to approach the Co. Com. with the question of the location here in Co. of 16th St. & Conn. Ave. also some information on zoning laws

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Mr. Parker moves a com. of 3 be appointed to carry out Mr. English's suggestions. The chair appoints Mr. Johns, Mr. English, Mr. Beane.


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The Olney Norbeck Citizen's Protection Association met with Mr. & Mrs. Brooke Johns Wed. Oct. 18 at 8:15 P.M. Minutes of the repvious meeting were read and adopted. Mr. Beanes committee which was appointed to investigate the beer joint situation is not ready to report at thismeetinghit promises to do report the next one. Mr. Beane tells us of an article printed in the Manor Club Paper which gives credit for the removal of the bumps in the road at Glenmont to Mrs. Downey he feels we should protest this and the sec. was ordered ro write a letter to Tulching asking him to correct this mistake. Mr. English makes the report for the zoning committee Mr. Root told him their idea of zoning special commercial areas and others residential was bad for they may run into a situation like the Baltimore boulevard is at present. Mr. Root states there is a map being made of the Metropolitan area on which each building was erected will be shown specifying commercial & residential sections, and

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thst he will be very glad to bring it out to one of our meetings and explain it to us. As for Connecticutt Ave. & 16th Sts they will be residential. 16th St. will probably cut through at Grace Church in Woodside but they have no idea as to where Conn. Ave. will cut through.

Moved & carried we invite Mayor Lee Mr. Lacy chair & Mr. Root to attend our next meeting.

Mr. Beane offers to find out from Federal Housing just what Mayor Lee plands are for housing units here in the county.

On Oct. 26 there will be a meeting held at the County Bldg. in Silver Spring to discuss the question of changing the Wheaton area at Log Cabin Inn from residential to commercial. If this goes through it will most likely lead to spot zonings through the county We stated our protests against such a thing happening and the com. appointed last month, to handle the beer joint question, pf which Mr. Beane is chr, will attend this meeting and vote for us.

Last edit 2 months ago by mbrockway
Displaying pages 26 - 30 of 95 in total