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The regular meeting of the Olney - Norbeck Citizen's Protective Association was held at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Brooke Johns, Wed. Mov. 29 at 8 P.M. Minutes were read and adopted. Mr. English reports for the beer com. The matter of Peter Fritz has been postponed. The com. met with Mr. Orme, chief of police who expressed his cooperation to clean up all such places in the County. We can best handle them from a point of sanitation. Mr. Beane presented a paper on sanitation in beer joints in the county. Motion made and carried to present same to County Commissioners health board & liquor board. The com. hopes by this means to abolish their small cheap places along highways. The sec. read letters which were written to State Roads Commission and their replys pertaining to center marking on roads also sign at Brookeville which has not been placed. Mr. Beane will again write them and also ask for a railing around the bend on the Redland road near Mill property.
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Mr. Beane makes a motion the organization goes on record as opposing the Housing project in this vicinity carried. At this time Mr. Root of the Park & Planning com. was introduced to the organization. He present a map of the Metropolitan area which extends from Norbeck to Brookeville to Pautuxent River to Prince Georges Co. line. When a new district is zoned it is advisable to zone just what is actually needed at present time but which may be enlarged later when needed. There would be no restrictions made as to farming but will protect us from undesirables. They advise confining business to intersections of roads and not string out along highways. Question as to space allowed for a house is the question to be considered such as 50 or 75 x 100 ft or larger. This com. nas no control over type of building erected but there are building regulations in zoned areas.
Mr. Morgan of the Montg. Co. Housing Authority was introduced. This is a corporation
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under Md. Housing law and consists of 5 people who receive no salary. This [?] was authorized by Co. Com. It is financed by Federal Gov. It is impossible for the sec. to give and notes on discussion which followed. We at least gave a rising vote of thanks to Mr. Morgan for his efforts in trying to present the question.
Due to our regular meeting date conflicting with Xmas holidays it was moved & carried we postponed our meeting until Jan. 3.
The pres. appointed a nominating com. consisting of Mr. Small Mrs. Beane Mr Powell.
Adj. M.B.B.
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The Olney-Norbeck Citizen's Protective Association met with Mr. & Mrs. Brooke Johns Wed. Jan. 3 at 8:15 P.M. Minutes read and adopted. Mr. Bready reports of a meeting at his house with Mayor Lee also attending one at the Farm Bureau. From what we can gather nothing of importance was learned at either meeting.
The Housing Authoritydid agree to modify their plan. Instead of 40 homes in a unit there would be from 4 - 10. If they build a new house their plan is to tear down one old one and so on. The Farm Bureau appointed a com. to investigate Mayor Lee's authority to modify plans. Mr. Kirk said there was quite a question as to tearing down condemned houses. The plan is the farmer donates an acre of ground upon which the Housing Authority builds a home to rent for 50¢ a yr. The property belongs to the Gov. Mr. Kirk has a petition to be signed preventing the planting of one of these units within 4 miles radius of Sandy Spring. Mr. Johns said the men of Gaith were most