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anxious we join up with them to fight against units in the county. Mr. Burns feels we should help any & all organizations fight to keep this out of the county but that we should not join in any polictical fight which we are afraid we are headed for. Mr. English says Mayor Lee has made conflicting statements concerning the Housing question that every thing is ynder control of Housing Authority & that it would be perfectly possible for them to keep labor from us. Really a case of Communism. Mr. Small thinks the whole idea is ridiculous. Mr. Powell & many others expressed their disapproval of the Housing Authority Mrs. Whitlock passes on a suggestion that we appoint a com. to present some plan to Mayor Lee. Mr. Beane feels we should fight this Norbeck unit from a point of sanitation, the rate of tuberculosis being higher among the negro population. The drainage question would be a bad one at Norbeck.
The Association goes on record as opposing any proposed unit as presented by the Montg. Co. Housing
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Authority. Mr. Beane tells of Clarksburg district being quoted in papers as farming project when there had been no meeting's held nor discussion taken place, possibly suchhas happened else where in Co. Mr. English made a motion a com. be appointed to appear before Federal Housing Authority as did the Farm Bureau trying to express upon them the fact we do not want the project started in Co. carried. Com. to be Mr. English, Mrs. Whitlock, Mr. Burns. Treas. reports $7.11 on hand.
Mr. Small gave the following report for the nominating com. Pres. Mr. Merton English 1 Vice Pres. Mr. Mahlon Kirk 2 Vice Pres. Mr. Brooke Johns sec treas - Mrs. Myrtle B. Barnsley cor. sec. - Mrs. Beulah Whitlock Ex. com. Merton English John Beane F. O. Parker Calvin Bready Brooke Johns Dr. H. H. Ladson Mahlon Kirk L. C. Burns Aubrey Powell
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Recess was declared for discussion on ticket. After the call to order Buddy Barnsley asked MNrs. Whitlock's name be put in place of Mary Barnsley for cor. sec. Mr. Muir nominated Mr. Beane for pres. but Mr. Small stated he knew Mr. Beane would not accept so the nomination was withdrawn.
The result of election was presented as by nom. com. with Mrs. Whitlock rec. sec. in place of Mary Barnsley. Mr. Bowie asks if it would not be better to hold our meeting in a public building place. After a great deal of discussion Mr. Whitlock offered to try to secure the Manor Club We will discuss & vote at the next meeting when we plan to hold our meetings in the future.
Mrs. Ladson made a motion we give a rising vote of thanks to Bready for his good work with us in the past year. carried.
Mr. Small escorted the new pres. to the chair and the meeting was closed by Mr. English.
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The meeting of the Olney - Norbeck Citizen's Protective Association was called to order at the Manor Club Wed. Mar. 27 at 8:30 P.M. by the pres. Mr. Merton English. Minutes read & approved. The pres. greeted the new members.
Mrs. Whitlock read a letter from Mr. Williams stating he was not able to be with us due to court but will be glad to come later.
She also had a letter from Chief of Police Orme saying he had instructed the officers in his district to check up on the matter of trash being dumped along highway and to see it was stopped. Mr. Beane says he has already seen the results of his investigation. The cor. sec. also had letters from State Roads com. & Salvation Army in reply to the ones she had written.
Mrs. Muir reports she has tried to interest several couple in the organization and they may join later.
Moved & carried the checking acct. be earned