Meeting Minutes: The Olney-Norbeck Citizens Protective Association, ca 1939-1940



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in treas name.

The matter of raising tax rate 15¢ has been laid aside and will $1.50 as before.

Mr. Muir made a motion a com. be appointed to investigate the matter of taxes, seconded & carried. The chair appointed Mr. Muir, Mr. Parker, Mr. Miller, Mr. Hickman with power to act as necessary before we meet again.

Mr. Miller invited the organization to meet at the Community House. But for the present we have decided not to change our meeting place though we do thank Mr. Miller for his invitation.

Mr. Muir thinks that the organization is composed of people in this upper end of the Co. & if the name were changed to something broader more people would become interested. Mrs. Whitlock suggested a com. be appointed to consider a name change & present same to the association. The chair appointed Mrs. Whitlock, Mr. Johns, Mr. Parker.

Mr. Johns has been disturbed over the proposed

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change of the Rockville - Norbeck pike at Norbeck. He thinks the road should be left as is as it would greatly damage the store and the garages at the corners. He moved we write to the proper authorities to find out what their plans are & to make a protest if they do plan to change, seconded & carried. Mr. Bready thinks the Road com. should take care of this situation.

Mr. Beane moved this association take 1/4 page ($6) in the hospital pamphlet, seconded & carried. Mr. Beane is most anxious we invite Mr. Farmer to attend the next meeting with Mrs. Wilkenson. keep assessments low because rate Mr. English intro Mr. Eugene Casey the speaker for the evening. He states that the curse of Montg. Co. is increasing jobs which are nothing more than insuring votes for next election. They are trying to keep assessments low because rate is up. He is in favor of County management. He says the income tax passed by Md. legislature is unfair, atrocious, etc. The Md. tax is 4 or 5 times greater

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than Federal tax. The tax on unearned moneys is 6%. Md. Industrial corporations bonds are untaxable.

All organizations should band together to form a non partisan com. to investigate the Co. & State structure. The Co. Com. recommend paying of 60% of maturing Co. debt this yr. The best way to cut taxes about 20% is for Co. to refund all bonds & he suggested a non partisan com. to handle this.

Mr. English thanked Mr. Casey for the organ.

The new members were asked to rise as their names were called and we were glad to welcome them into the organization.

Adj. M.B.B.

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The Olney Norbeck Citizen's Protective Association was called to order at the Manor CLub Thurs. Apr. 24 at 8:15 P.P. Minutes were read corrected & adopted. The com. for change of name due to some misunderstanding was not ready to report. Mr. English suggests we drop Olney & Norbeck from the name & leave just Citizen's Protective Association. Mr. Bready is strongly opposed to changing the name. He thinks it will cause a great deal of misunderstanding. Mr. Beane agree with Mr. Bready. Mr. Bready & Mr. Beane are asked to meet with the com. which will report at the next meeting. Mr. Beane wrote to the State Roads Commission regarding proposed change of Rockville Norbeck Road at Norbeck. Reply read by sec. to the effect that nothing officially has been done about this but refers us to the Md. Nat. Capitol Park & Planning Commission. Mr. Beane was instructed by the chair to get in touch with the Commission.

Mr. Beane made the motion we take up the matter of proposed change of name of the organization

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in this meeting, seconded & carried. Then Mr. Beane moved we do not change the name sec. by Mr. Bready & passed by the group.

The MOntg. Co. Social Welfare Council has sent out a questionaire concerning membership aims etc. of the organizations with view to compiling directory. The cor. sec. will fill out same & return to Welfare Board.

Mr. Muir reported for tax committee. They are looking far into the future but plan to move slowly. Mr. Miller has had information about selling bonds. There is $4000000 spent a year $2000000 taken in a yr in taxes & due to expenses in caring for int. & retirement of bonds leaves only about 1000000 for Co. to operate on. Mr. Mahlon Kirk was asked to serve on this com. in place of Mr. Hickman who is unable to serve. Mr. Kirk is asked to write the ad for Hospital paper pamphlet. Mr. English introduced Mr. Wilkenson our speaker for the evening who talked on law enforcement. Our national crime bill is 1/10 of our nat. income. Every 45 minutes in U.S. a life is taken in murder

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