Club Minutes: Mutual Improvement Association, 1883-1889



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R. E. Gilpin, had no contribution.

Sarah H. Stone "Intercourse with Nature and, Important hints to parents; many parents seem not to realize the importance of devoting personal attention to the instruction of their children etc.

Ellen Farquhar, "The Judgment Seat - by Mrs. Charles (author of Chonbergh Cotta family).

Sallie Bond, Mother's Growing Old from the Light of Home, the Author not given.

Mary W. Kirk, excellent extracts from the life of Madame Bunsen, and a little poem by Earlton, Also recited lines by S. B. Bentley to Sarah B. Farquhar when about to be married.

M. S. Hallowell gave a receipt for Plum Pudding

Mary M. Miller a poem "While we May" Author not given.

Ellen Hough, Youth and Age", speaking of the frequent companionship between the young and old as an improvement in our modern social life, a very good article indeed.

Mrs. Haviland's selection had this text: from Isa 38_15 Himself hath done it".

E. Holland. "Thoroughness", an incident in the life of a young New Englander, who went to teach a district school in Va.

Elizabeth Comstock, read the Rationalistic Chicken an amusing burlesque. Then gave us a lovely and feeling address, and after giving some interesting incidents of her young life, and repeating part of "Ment. Prayer, she appeared in supplication or I might say Thanksgiving.

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which had such a solemnising effect; the Sec. felt lothe to go on with the exercises. But when these lines were read by our next member in turn E. G. Thomas, "Bless the Lord, O my soul and forget not all His benefits. Ps. ciii_2.

Wiser it were to welcome and make ours whatever of good, though small the present brings, Kind greetings, sunshine, song of birds, and flowers, With a childs pure delight in little things.

R. C. French

Also some beautiful lines from Longfellow. Lydia G. Thomas, On Purity and Temperance

After the announcement of a meeting for Elizabeth Comstock on Purity (for Women alone) to be held at the Lyceum on 7th day the 29th

We adjourned to meet at the Cottage 1_31_1889.

M. E. M.

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