Page 92




Status: Complete


Sarah T. Miller gave very interesting extracts from a Rich
Lady, name not heard: Mary M. Miller read an account of
four remarkable women, amongst them that of Laura Bassi
who for thirty years occupied the chair of professor of physics at
Bodoyn uninversity - was only twenty-one when called to the position
- she married and became the Mother of twelve children
without interrupting her university duties! A. E. Hartshorne
excused from reading - gave an account of her visit to Lawrence,
Mass - things she saw & heard and most enjoyable of which was a
lecture by Phillips Brookes.

Margaret S. Hallowell
read from Lillian Leland's journey round the world: visit to Copenhagen
etc - Mrs Tyson read "Babels Tower rebirth" a reproduction
of the famous Tower of Babel as it stood three thousand
years ago in Babylon to be a feature at the worlds Fair in Chg,
the Model for it to be made in Washington, planned by the Smithsonian
Institute. Edith D. Bentley gave "notes about Women," new phases of women's Education in America. H. J. Moore read three
Short Articles - two of which I copy here, "When people grow old
they are prone to live in the past, hence it behooves all persons to see
to it, that they have a pleasant and agreeable past in which to live"
"If you want to spoil all that God gives you, if you want to be
miserable yourself and a maker of misery to others, the way
is easy enough - only be selfish, and it is done at once,"
(Charles Kinsley

Lydia G. Thomas read from Home Magazine
the Problem of what well educated but poor girls shall do
with their lives. Jane T. Porter & Sarah H. Stone had nothing.

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@SusanFC - thanks for reviewing these pages! This is REALLY hard to read at times. I did move "Bodoyn uninversity" back into place for page 92, as that's how it was written.