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Status: Complete

12 Charley Forest, Con.

Corrie M. Brooke gave a fine poem upon
Thos. Mott-Asborne who was conpared to a
light-house morally.

Albina O. Stabler contributed some bright
little scraps which we regret not securing.

Mary Janney Hutton's name has been
transferred from the waiting list to that of
the members, by action at the last mtg.

Adjourned to The Cedars on 1-4-1917-
Mary Bentley Thomas,

The Cedars 1-4-1917.

Our first mtg. for the new year 1917
was held with Ellen Farquhar, and only
19 members were present. Our guests were
Corrie M. Brooke, Sarah E. and Annie B.
Kirk, Loula Brent, Eliz. Iddings, Anna M. Farquhar,
and Marion Mills.

After a delicious luncheon we convened
for our regular excersises. The sentiment of our
hostess was by Moody, - "No man can succeed
if he goes along loaded with burdens."

Our faithful Sec'y asked to be excused
from her duties for the day as she was just recovering
from an attack of grip, and the name
of Eliz. T. Stabler was suggested.

Ellen Farquhar exhibited two beautiful
trays which had been sent her as Christmas
gifts and wanted to know their use. They could
be used "for all sorts of things" was the decision.
She also read a poem on "Christmas Day," describing
a "case for this and a case for that", and
the "things to put things in," which we all usually
receive. This brought up a discussion on
returning Christmas rememberances, many instances
related being rather amusing - among others
when one of the 2 plates that had been given was
returned the following year to the original donor.

Mary Bentley Thomas read an interesting letter

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