Club Minutes: Mutual Improvement Association, 1928



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Marianna Miller read the old minutes at "Sunset", "Sherwood:, and "Springdale" in 1870. Question. How many pay 25 [symbol for cents] an hour for a woman helper? Quite a discussion but no conclusion.

Committee reports.

Education. Mary Nichols - No report.

American Home. - Helen Hallowell, reported a meeting of the County committee at the home if the chairman, Mrs. H. B. Humphrey at Cabin John. All are asked to do something for Better Home Week. The Silver Spring Club and the Cleaning Establishment being particular points of interest. Also all are urged to help with the exhibit at the Rockville Fair. Will the Association co-operate in this work? A motion made by Margaret Jones, seconded by Mary Tilton that the Association co-operate with our Chairman, Helen Hallowell, in whatever she feels we should do. Carried.

Social Service League - Mary Tilton reported the work of the League progressing very well.

Resolution A resolution asking that a woman be appointed on the Board of Regents of the University of Maryland was passed and ordered sent to the Chairman of Resolutions of Montg. Co.. F.W.C. Mrs. John Stowell of Federalsburg, Caroling County, was endorsed for such a position, and the Secretary asked to write to Governor Ritchie appraising him of the fact and asking for the appointment.

Legislation. Margaret Jones presented the legislative program as sent by the by the County Chairman, Mrs. George W. Morey. No action was taken and the Secretary was asked to inform Mrs. Morey.

Unfinished Business.

The Secretary had written to Congressman Zihlman and Senators Bruce and Tydings relative to the Navy Program and read three evasive answers received.

Estelle Moore read exracts from the newspaper account of the County Federation.

Margaret Jones read a letter relative to the Endowment Fund of the State Federation. It was decided that all who care to contribute can give their donatons to the Treasurer.

New Business.

Mariana Miller presented the revised constitution of the county Federation. This will be the first or special order of business at the next meeting.

A communication from a committee of the Farmer's convention asking that the Association appoint three members to attend an organization meeting of a Community Council was read. Margaret Bancroft, Helen Hallowell, and Margaret Jones were appointed.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned, (signed) Margaret Elgar Sherman Jones, Secretary

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6. TANGLEWOOD April 5th, 1928 249th Meeting.

Immediately after luncheon the 849th meeting of the Mutual Improvement Association was called to order by Alice Farquhar for the special order of business: - to consider the revision of the Constitution of the Montgomery County Federation of Women's Clubs. Marianna Miller, Director, presented the proposed constitution which was adopted as read.

The minutes of the previous meeting at this place "Tanglewood" were read and the minutes of the last meeting read and accepted.

The Treasurer, Mary Tilton, gave a report showing a balance on hand of $18.40 in the treasury - and $11.50 on hand for the Social Service League.

Next meeting place "Oak Grove" wiith Julia Hallowell to lunch at 12:20.

Sentiment of the hostess, Helen Hallowell, from Elbert Hubbard - "Culture is the cream of conduct. It is the sure result of the Study Habit linked to Self Reliance and blessed by Concentration. Fortunate are we if we evolve from our hearts these great gifts which the Creator, in his goodness and wisdom, has endowed us. Culture, like all of life's blessings, can not be hoarded, it is for service. Those who are wise give their culture away and thus they retain it."

She gave a little advice - buy rubber sponges to give to people who suffer with their feet, cut and use for arch supporters.

Marianna Miler read the old minutes of meeting at Prospect Hill, Fulford, and Mt. Pleasant in 1870.

Sadie Adams gave some interesting bits about Honduras, Wireless Sagacity, etc.

Florence Wetherald had no contribution.

Mary Hutton gave several jokes.

Miss McElroy read of the Star Spangled Banner giving many reasons why it should not be our Nationl Anthem.

Mary Brooke's selection on "How We Look" brought out the thought that what is inside of us will show our in our faces.

Estelle Moore read from the London Times about a magic carpet made for Henry VIII, which has travelled widely ever since. also a poem, "A Prayer for Womankind."

QUESTION. Has anyone a large horse lawn roller they will lend or hire? Julia Hallowell and Ronald Mills have.

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Julia Hallowell, "What the Sparrow Chirps" and some items about Senator Hanna's family tree.

Dorothy Wetherald had nothing.

Anna Nesbitt compared present day travel by air with methods used one hundred years ago.

Stella Moore told of the fabulous price paid for the manuscript copy of Alice in Wonderland.

Helen Farquhar nothing

Elza Thomas recommended many sayings which would make people hate you - such as, "I don't agree with you at all" - "I don't like your friends" etc.

Helen Moore nothng.

Annie Miller asked that her friend

Miss Mitchell read some of her own original sonnets which she did very charmingly - "With What Measure We Meet", a word portrait, and "Beauty".

Rebecca Miller told that "Robinson Crusoe" was the first serial story every published.

Florence Bond read of the cleanliness of ants - and announced a series of Book Reviews to be given at the Lyceum by Mrs. William Wolf Smith.

Helen Shoemaker read from the Literary Digest of a home where there was very little to live on but much to live for.

Hallie Bentley told of a window in Alexandira which still bears the initals which were cut there more than one hundred years ago.

Fanny Iddings exhibited a picture of our Honorary Member, Mrs. Pierce, taken about the time the Association was organized. The Association sent love to its one hundred three year old member. She then read of the Old Moravian Needlework Portraits one of which is now in her possession.

Margaret Moore, a poem, "The Ripening Years."

Emily Massey, told of a boy who was making a journey around the world and of a contest on Saving Scenic Beauty which was won by a rural school teacher.

Elizabeth Stabler contributed interesting data on Best Sellers, - and also deplored to such standarization which failed to develop personality.

No reports from Committees on Educaton, American Home, or Legislation.

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7. Mary Tilton read the monthly report from the Society Service League.

Marianna Miller presented nine resolutions from the County Federation. All were approved except No. 4 which asked for a Cadet Corps as part of our Public School System. (attached)

Special Committee. Margaret Jones, chairman, reported the meeting held on March 30 and presented the proposed consitution. Marianna Miller was appointed Delegate and Helen Hallowell alternate to attend the meeting April 27th and present the following nine nominations for members of the Community Council of Sandy Spring Neigborhood:

R. H. Lansdale, Frank Downey; Milton Bancroft; Fred L. Thomas; J.W. Jones; Garland Ligon; Robert Miller; G. Rust Canby; Granville Thompson.

County Federation, no report.

State Federation, Margaret Jones and Elizabeth Stabler were appointed Delegates to the Annual Convention and instructed to vote the ticket as presented by the Nominating Committee.

The Meeting adjourned. (signed) Margaret Elgar Sherman Jones, Secretary.

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8. OAK GROVE May 3rd, 1928 850th meeting.

After luncheon the 850th meeting of the Mutual Improvement Association was called to order by Helen Hallowell, with Julia Hallowell as our hostess.

The minutes of the last meeting at this place were read.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and accepted.

The Treasurer's Report showed that $5.00 had been paid in dues since the last meeting - so disbursements - and to date a balance on hand of $23.40 - and $11.50 on hand for the Social Service League.

Next meeting place Sarah T. Adams at "Windcrest" on the regular date at half-past three o'clock in the afternoon.

Sentiment of the Hostess - Julia Hallowell. "The wisest man could ask no more of fate Than to be simple, modest, manly, true Safe from the many, honored by the few Nothing to court in Church or World or State But inwardly, in secret, to be great." from a poem by Charles R. Hartshorne.

Contributions by members and guests

Sallie Janney, "Delusions of the Intelligent. Many familiar sayings prove untrue though the average man believes a lot of nonsense and superstition thus proving that he is quite low in mental ability and responsibility.

Estelle T. Moore, "And It Costs Nothing" by Bruce Barton - to say and do courteous things, avoid all that causes irritation.

Estelle Crane - a tribute to Whittier by Mrs. Meredith - "Full of interest and love to his fellow man" (confided to the Secretary that the sentiment applies to the Association.)

Margaret Moore and Helen Moore were both without conttributions but each consoled herself by the thought that she was in good company.

Mary Brooke, We are living in a wonderful age with many inventions and luxuries; automoblies, radios, flying machines etc. Do we count our blessings? What are we to do next?

Mrs. Graham, a guest, told a good joke on Mark Shields.

Edith Green, from "Better Homes and Gardens" A Mother's part is very arduous but is really appreciated by those who reap the profit, and is thus paid for.

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