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4] School and is now a dwelling.
Mary Hutton surprised us by having nothing - very unusual - but redeemed herself by asking a question - When is the right time to trim a Climbing American Beauty rose? Trim now very severely.
Fanny Iddings - no.
Miss Day - Read an interesting article about our old friend Admiral Jouett.
Julia Hallowell - a poem written by Charles R Hartshorne - "The Coral Insects."
Question - What can be put on floors so they will not scratch? Equal parts linseed oil and vinegar.
Alice Stabler, an article telling of Uncle Sam's accomplishments. as he owns and drives 83% of the autos - has large bank deposits - high
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5] wages - many telephones, radio sets, vacuum cleaners, electric washers, refrigerators etc and his health is much better since he gave up booze.
Mary Reading Nichols - a parody on the Jabberwockey from Alice in Wonderland.
Mariana Miller - read from the old minute book of meetings at Riverside, Lea's Mills and Leawood in 1871 -
Estelle T. Moore asked for suggestions for a covering for her kitchen floor - many suggestions
Mary Tilton - no.
Elizabeth T. Stabler - no.
8) Committees
Education, American Home, Resolutions, and Legislation - no reports
Social Service - M. Tilton Read the S.S. League report for June and said that
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6] The appropriations made by the County Commissioners $8900.00 is for cases the County has charge of
9) Unfinished Business After much discussion the vote on remaining in the State Federation was taken - by ballot - with the following result:- For remaining in - 6 Against "remaining in" 7 Blank Ballots 2 Will vote again - 15 voting members
County Federation Edith Green reported on the meeting of the Executive Board held in Garrett Park - The Association approved of this S.S. League paying its dues the same as all other members organizations -
The Association also agreed to ask Ruth Jones to take charge of a One Act Play to compete in the
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7] County Contest - with Claire Hutton and Anna Gilpin to help. The Secretary to write asking them.
E. T. Stabler said she would lend her copy of the Farmers Wife to the Publicity Chairman -
The secretary was instructed to send the listing of the club to Mrs. Robert Allnutt.
State Federation - Margaret Jones had accepted Mrs. John W. Garrett's invitation to a musicale for two club members -
New Business - a communication from the Community Council was read and all recommendations endorsed. - also sent recommendation that white lines be replaced - and are put at Ashton.
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8] A communication relating to a Chinese girl who will give a few talks before clubs - in order to help out her college expenses was referred to the October meeting.
A letter from Mrs. Braun, chairman of Motion Pictures for the Co. Fed. was read - The secretary was instructed to write her an encouraging letter.
The meeting adjourned -
M. E S J. Secretary