Club Minutes: Mutual Improvement Association, 1928



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The Cottage - 8-2-1928 853d. Meeting.

The 853d Meeting of the Mutual Improvement Association was held at The Cottage 8 - 2 - 1928 The meeting being called to order by Stella Moore - for Alice Tyson - at 3.30 p. m.

The minutes of the last Meeting at this place were read for information and the minutes of the last meeting were read and accepted.

The Treasurer, Mary Tilton reported $25.90 in hand July 31st - and $21.00 in the Social Service League account: The report was accepted.

Sentiment of the hostess, Elizabeth T. Stabler: - "Tis the human touch in this world that counts The touch of your hand and mine, Which means far more to the fainting heart Than shelter and meal and wine: - For shelter is gone when the night is o'er: And bread lasts only a day, But the touch of the hand and the sound of the voice Sing on in the soul alway"

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2) She reported having sent the article telling of the Association - to the Chairman of press and publicity - Mrs. Hoadley -

Alice Stabler - a guest of the house - had no contribution -

Mary Magruder gave extracts from an article in silhouettes - the first one of which may have been in the Garden of Eden. Question - How eliminate marks on furniture caused by water stains - Scrape and start again - Lemon and sweet - oil - O Cedar Polish - Use varnish remover and then re-finish.

Rebecca Miller`s article brought out the vast army of workers needed to take care of the linen in the Pullman cars and dining cars.

Annie Kirk told of some of the interesting things she found on her trip aboard - especially in Palestine where the cold was particularly disagreeable. She was advised to call up the Farm Bureau office for advice on the bean-beetle -

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3) a Mexican pest which is causing much havoc among the beans.

Alice Tyson and Miss Day were both without selections -

Margaret Moores description of the Red Caps showed how honest and trustworthy these porters are.

Miss Wilson from the Hineman School, told of some of the conditions with which she works.

Mary Nichols told that after six years of patient waiting her Wisteria has bloomed.

Mary Gilpin had nothing to give - but her presence with us was worth a great deal.

Helen Moore read of a trusted employe of a department store - Mr Kramer -

Helen Lea - read of the developement of the 5 and 10 cent store - originated by F.W. Woolworth - in Lancaster, Pa. in 1879. (1879)

Fanny Iddings delighted the assembly with another old letter, written to her mother in 1835 -

Alice Farquhar - The American Debut of George Bernard Shaw who came to America by the talking movies.

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4] Estelle Moore asked for advice in improving the earth in her flower garden when stable manure can not be secured - wood ashes and chicken manure are recommended - also a compost heap such as florists have - decayed sod, soap suds etc.

Mariana Miller read from the old minute book of meetings at Sunset, Alloway and Sherwood in 1871-72.

Annie Miller asked if others are also troubled with a blight in their calendulas - yes - suggested that they be pulled up and buried -

Mary Miller had nothing

Mary Hutton read of a town desolated by a myserious malady called milk sickness probably caused by the cows eating white snake root.

Sarah Kirk, Ethel Adams, Mary Reading Nichols, Lena Weld and Nannie Reese were all without contributions.

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{5]} Julia Hallowell - "When Greed Departs" a poem with good sentiment which would make the world much better if followed out - the Golden Rule exemplified - Question - Why does every one laugh when making soap is mentioned at a meeting of the Association? Why?

Miss Ball - No.

Mary Brooke - No -

Edith Green - a letter written by George Washington to the Friends Intelligencer many years ago. Question - Is any one having trouble with black rot in tomatoes? Yes -

Helen Shoemaker said anyone can find the formula for the spray to eradicate the Mexican Bean Beetle in todays "Sun".

Emma Stabler - Why do cucumbers turn yellow and soft when put in brine? - No satisfactory reason given - suggested they be put in just salt.

Last edit over 1 year ago by rtzuses
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