Club Minutes: Mutual Improvement Association, 1941



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The Cottage 1-2-1941 988th Meeting.

Luncheon was served to the guests and members of the Mutual Improvement Association for its 988th meeting which was held with Elizabeth Stabler at "The Cottage" 1-2-1941 - after which the regular meeting was called to order and conducted by Edith Thomas, past hostess.

The minutes of the last meeting at this place were read for information and the minutes of the last meeting were read by Deborah Willson - who had acted as secretary for that meeting and accepted.

This being the Annual meeting, the Rules and Regulations were read - The Secretary asked that she be relieved of her duties and a new secretary, but it was decided to postpone this for another year.

The Treasurer, Margaret Bancroft, was not present - but those who were some prepared to pay their dues, did so - to Edith Thomas who will pass it on -

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The Report of the Community Council was read by Lena Weld. The School Program was approved and the secretary asked to communicate this action to the Board of County Commissioners and to the Board of Education for the County.

Next meeting place "Tanglewood" - at the regular time.

Sentiment ot the Hostess - Elizabeth T. Stabler -- "Labor to keep alone in your heart that little spark of Celestial fire called conscience. What is Conscience? It is the guardian of the very best within us."

Question. When should the tuba be cut off of chrysanthemums? Cut any time.

Mary Reading Miller read some Rhymes for Children , which were written by Mary Hallowell Stabler - and were quite charming.

Florence Wetherald told of the inscription in the Peace Arch between Canada and the U.S.A.

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Fanny Iddings selection dealt with the Israelite and his present condition in relation to the world of today.

Dr Crumm told that lantana plants can be kept through the winter if cut back and cared for. She said her amaryllis blooms now, after taking the advice received at a meeting of the Association.

Alice Pierce, Penguins again, Their courtship this time. Also the skunk - Is this an improvement on the penguins?

Mrs Clark, a little verse from a Christmas Card.

Mary Brooke read a question and answer by Hashims, from the Star - relating to Winston Churchills criticism of Americas entrance into the World War? which was rather disturbing.

Mary Hutton, another penguin.

Saillie Janney read extracts from a letter from her son Jack, who is now in

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Mariana Mela's read of many very valuable estates which must be sold, but for which their are no buyers, some cant even be givin away. Marianaadmit all who can to read Ann Lindbergh's latest book.

Mrs Graham spoke of England's terrible hardships.

Helen Shoemaker read of one of London's bombs which contained an encouraging message instead of explosives.

Question. When is the best time to root cutting of English ivy? Early fall.

Madge Janney. No. Miss Matthews. No Sue Barnsley. No.

Ednt Green wanted to know who may have seen the comet. Very few.

Lucy Borne exhibited the tenth (10th) quilt she has priced for the Friend's Service Committee since October.

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Sadie Adams read about oyster culture.

Mary Stabler told about oysters from Southern Maryland - and read from a little book of Garden Verses.

Mary Hallowell Stabler recited a poem which was the same one her mother used to recite to her. It was published about 1817.

Helen Moore gave some selections from "Mrs. Miniver".

Lena Weld - no -

Rose Gilpin told of some of her Christmas experience with her little grand-daughter, and also told of letters received by Ann Ball Gilpin from her relations in England.

Deb Willson read what she called some foolish little poems.

Helen Hallowell gave interesting accounts of women at work in the du Pont plants. Also a little verse about "Nylon"

Last edit 3 months ago by rtzuses
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