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Status: Complete

Lucy Manning read a piece from the Christian Science Monitor.

Camille Slade read a funny bit by Art Buchwald on the problem of a new
"identity crisis" when teenagers don't bother to out their friends' last
names. The boys and girls don't seem to worry about the confusion reigning as a
result, but it drives the parents to despair sometimes!

Helen Farquhar had an exerpt from Anne Morrow Lindbergh's writing, about how
our relationships are like islands. They are intermittent, with contacts ebbing and
flowing like the tide.

Jean Ladson had a new version of the 23rd psalm - a very cutting one using
environment and polution as the up-dated theme.

Henny Chichester told us about seeing thousands of swans and ducks in Round Bay,
on the Severn River, north of Annapolis. The swans fly like geese and have trouble
taking off from the water they are so heavy.

The Hospital Committee reported that the recent party in the new building raised
approximately $125,000, including $50,000 from the Women's Board.

The Membership Committee submitted the name of Betty Hart[j]es to the meeting,
and she was voted onto the waiting list. Anne Brown was also put before the meeting
and was voted onto the list.

The meeting adjourned to be with Eugine in February.

Respectfully submitted,
Wendy Lawrence

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