Page 4




Status: Complete

Jean Ladson brought amusing words of wisdom from an almanac. Samples: "one
thing wrong with the younger generation is we don't belong to it." "People want the front of the church, the back of the bus and the middle of the road." " Before offering a seat to a girl, be sure it is."

Helen Farquhar read and distributed copies of the Sandy Spring Creed.

Sylvia Woodward read an amusing article---an imaginary report by a nervous
patient, onhis psycciatrist's finding about "colds". Sample, "The ideal cold
is a shared experience."

Her question was answered, but rather unsatisfactorily. She wanted to know
Where she could find a china egg. Antique shops and craft shops were suggested--
but tgis was not what Sylvia had in mind.

Mary Lillian Moore had read that Russian childrenseldom cry. This makes one
wonder what the reason may be.

Bernice McLaury passed around an African cookbook for inspection.

Dorothy Wetherald described some of the honors received by Abb EVans. One
of these was the publication of a book on her eighty-third birthday, containing
all of her poems. Her first poem was published after eighteen years of submitting
poetry. She writed lovingly of her heritage and of nature.

Unfinished business: a check of members' phone numbers for the permanent

There was no report from the hospital representative, and no new business.

Respectfully submitted,
Jean O Coulter

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