Club Minutes: Horticultural Society, 1918-1925



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32 H/8/1918-2-

There is no better winter food than beans, and when the price is 18 & 20 cents a pound, as it was last winter, it is one of the most profitable crops".

The second reader, Mary M. Stabler read an interesting selection on the growing of'flowers - telling of the importance of growing them at this time particularly as they bring such cheer to our sick soldiers. Sonme one has said "Flowers are the sweetest things that God ever made & forgot to put a soul into" - so let us cultivate the flowers.

Katherine Janney had a volunteer article on "Squash on a Trellis" - A gardener had no room in his garden got Habbard vines to run, so he made a rough trellis, using the clothes line post, With the results of fine fine squash, weighing in all 28 1/2 lbs., while the vine on the ground gave only one small one.

The Forethought gave the usual good advice & contributed an article from the Farm Journal which if followed closely, one's garden would be a spot of perspective.

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H/8/1918-3 - 33

The exhibits were of unusual quality, excellent corn, cabbage, & tomatoes = lima beans from The Cedars which have surely had an attack of "creeping paralysis", a basket of beautiful grapes from Tanglewood, & a basket of luscious peaches from Ernest Adams, a bunch of very pretty Mourning-bride flowers from Brooke Grove, a mixed variety - from Edgewood & Riverside, & beautiful roses & other flowers from The Cedars. The hostess wanted to know if it is too late to plant onion sets for winter - Yes. Is it best to sow spinach in rows, or broadcast? Best in rows. Would you plant kale in rows or broadcast? The latter. Can you use sweet-pea seed? Yes, leaves on vines until dry. How do you serve endive? Like lettuce, with cheese, & use with tomatoes if you choose. If endive is grown through sand, it will not be bitter, the sand keeps the blight away. Bulbs should be left in the bed

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where they were grown, & let dry out, then they can be planted any time in a bed, deep enough not to freeze out; it will do to plant them as late as Oct.

It is not too late to plant beets, carrots, salsify, & parsnips. - & The Garden, Mag. said they were much better than those planted early - put burlap on the seed & keep wet.

Robert Miller used wheat straw over the wet earth on cucumber & lettuce. He also told us he has great success in keeping salsify by marking a hole in the ground near the bed & burying it - covering over well to protect from freezing.

Brooke Grove tried sage & parsley seed as Hor. directed, & not a seed came up. When is the very latest one can plant rye to come up & turn under in the spring? Any time until the ground freezes. How late to sow turnips? Do it this month.

Has anyone used the blight-proof cabbage seed? No. The seed might be gotten at The Experiment Station, &

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H/8/1918-5 - 35

John Janney was asked to inquire about it. In growing peanuts do you bury the seeds of the vines? Throw sand over them & they yield more, it does not make any difference whether the inner hull is taken off, or not.

Egg-plants had done very poorly, were always stunted, & after manuring & mulching they have done well. Has any one been successful with canteloupes? Some report theirs looking well - Brooke Grove bed looks fine.

Robert Miller and Mary Brooke were appointed readers for next time. The hour for the Sept. meeting has changed to four o'clock, & the meeting to be called to order at 4.15 P.M. The meeting then adjourned, for the usual inspection of the garden & grounds. The lawn looked beautiful with the bit of river to the right, & the garden showed the master hand of the owner. The succession of corn formed a regular terrace & I found a

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more perfect celery bed is not owned by a Horticultural member.

A sandwich supper with delicious cake was served on the lawn.

Lillie B. Stabler. Secy.

Last edit over 1 year ago by MaryV
Displaying pages 36 - 40 of 378 in total