Club Minutes: Horticultural Society, 1935



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I feel sure we will always remember the words of Mary Mathews Nichols, who for years has been the Secretary for our Horticultu-ral

She filled the office with her minutes were kindly peaceful and interesting for she had an especial gift for expressing herself

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I hope she realized how much we appreciated her, but unfortunately, we are so apt not to say the kind things, we think, which would help those who are trying to fill any office

It was interesting and unusal to have for Pres. & Secretary, a husband & wife Henry & Mary Mathew Nichols.

We are grateful to both.

Cornelia H. Bentley

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Community House 9-3-'35

Since our last meeting, held July second, one of our valued members had passed to the Great Beyond and, as is customary under such circumstances, the August meeting was omitted. When we gathered on September 3rd at the Community House it was with a feeling of sadness at our loss and a fitting tribute to the memory of Mary Mathews Nichols was offered by Cornelia H. Bentley a copy of which was to be sent to her family and also spread upon the minutes.

After the reading and adoption of the minutes of the last meeting Margaret C. Bancroft read an article sent by Mary Magruder who could not be present on making the most of flower borders in the way of selecting and arranging the plants.

Roberta Adams gave us

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extracts from a most interesting book on Herbs & their uses _ It would seem there had recently been a renaisance now found growing in many gardens with the government issuing a bulletin about them. The article recalled to the minds of some of the members the use in their earlier years of the brews that were theior household remedies & given freely as such.

The question was asked as to what was curry powder & no one could tell more thsan it was a condiment much used in India; so Elza Thomas was to find out more about it & tell us next time.

William Bancroft's volunteer reading told us of the experiments that are being made in the raising of dahlias finding those that will flourish best in different soils & climates, & dividing them into various types as to size, color, etc.

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H/9/1935-3- (3

Great progress is being made in their development & we may expect to have them bloom in a few weeks after planting where now it takes as many months.

A report was asked from the melon seed distributed in May - the majority thought they had little flavor, though [?] were pleased with them. Evidently their soil suited them; but as a general thing the most satisfactory kind for us to raise in this acclim is the small or nutmeg.

The Forethought, among other things, spoke of the Japanese beetle & its ravages _ At least we were glad to know that the best work for its control in any state is being done in Maryland. The Government is working on two types of enemies t it & in 20 years there may be enough produced to combat it.

Andrew Adams succeeded in gewtting Dr. E.N. Cory, state entomologist & Prof. C.E. Temple state plant pathologist to come to the Commu-

Last edit 6 months ago by mbrockway
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