Page 36
the originators (W B Jackson &Co) excuses
me "Supposing it to be against my
principles" - After dinner we left
Mr Pillot _ R Wilson Mr Langsdon &
Jackson & Templeton below . at the
table where the first four continued
till 1/2 past 8 when WBJ left them _
The other three continued till ten
during which they drank 14 bottles
of champagne wine besides other
wines beer & whiskey - They all
got fuddled completely _ and vented
their spleen particularly Langsdon &
Pillot (the one a John Bull and
the other a parles vous) against
the x x x Americans who would
not celebrate the day with them
[2 lines of crosses and 2 lines of shorthand]
About ten o clock
they came up and I went to bed
but had not been more than 15
minutes before they were down again
bawling and swearing &co: and
ordering more whiskey punch -
I thought there was no rest
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