Page 37
for me. _ and I got up, dressed
and came up above where
I staid till 1/2 past twelve . and
tried it again where I soon forgot
all in the arms of _____ Morpheus
5th day 7 Mo 5th
Yesterday afternoon being kept on
deck rather than endure the
abominable clack of a parcel
of x x x x x x in the Shape of men,
and it being damp I have
either taken cold or the loss of
sleep has accasioned a bad
head ache this morning which
is a general complaint _ had
an opportunity of seeing a few
more throws of the harpoon at
the porpoises, without success. _
The mast of some ship went
floating by us this evening filled
with clams and shell fish, and
fish round it - Longitude by
dead reckoning within 2 miles
of that by the Chronometer!!!!!!
- Long at 10 [shorthand for o'clock?] 15° 58' 41' at
12 Latitude 49° 57' and Longitude
at 2 15° 40' - and by our log
moving at the rate of 4 miles an
hour _
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