Page 39




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somewhat like the more brilliant
Indigo — The swell appears smooth
a wave sometimes from one to
two hundred yards over and ten
or fifteen feet in height. —
had a fine view of a whale
spouting this evening about half
a mile distt — a considerable
noise like a plunge in the water
first attracted our attention and the
water seem'd to rise like a "jett
de Eau" for five or 6ft. —
Porpoises again – Mother
Careys brood for some days
past seem'd to have left us —
Sailing 3 or 4 knots an hour. Course
ESE _ a barque in sight this
afteroon which have left far
behind us _ _ Music ''Auld
lang syne" quick step [drawing of pointing hand]
Cognomine Magnificus — dancing
on deck right over my head
which with various other
contrivances, jumping pitching
&c&c serve to pass a listless
hour away. _ They generally
retire from 12 to 1/2 past 12
when it is pretty still till 3 & 1/2
past 3. _ when cry "pump ship"

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"jett de Eau" == Jet d'Eau ('Eau )