Page 40




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wakes me. _ The Sailors regularly
perform this office two or three
times in 24 hours by pairs — The
bilge water does not smell much
since the first day or two —
Two of our sheep gave up the
ghost and crew cast into the waves
— we have now one left, three
hogs – several pigs – some ducks
geese and turkeys — and
are said to be within
250 miles of the Coast of Ireland
lay Cape Clear which is
the land we wish to make.

6th day morning 6th

So near a clam this morning
with a high swell that we only
move from 1/2 to a knot an hr with
the wind aft and the yds squared
which rolls us from Side to Side
as usual — I think this thing of
rocking children the cradle
mast addle their braines a
few degrees, judging of it effect
on some of us — Sitting
writing this morning on my
finger nail with a pencil
my fellow passenger Harris

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"lay" = the position or direction in which something lies: "lay Cape Clear"