Page 46
them for some distance around -
- and themselves resembling a
brilliant spark of fire, of every
shade from the white-heat to
the cherry-red _ or so many spangles
from the rainbow _ or its fragments
strewn over the deep _ in
fact It might not be a degrad'g
comparison to say to those possessing
"fine imaginations" that the "gems
of Golconda" could only find
their counterpart in these little
specimens of the beautiful works
of that all-creative hand
which Spoke them into existence.
It is impossible for the eye to
hear music, or the ear to perceive
the fragrance of the lilly _ and
just so, with beaties [sic] of these
things _ The pen completely
fails - and the tongue is mute
in conveying to the understanding
of another, what the eye only
can appreciate, or what the
minds only can appreciate, upon
being assured of its existence thro
the medium of the natural vision _
To them then we confidently
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