Page 47
ascribed the luminous appearance
before mentioned, but the ascription
was blown sky-high, upon removing
them to a dark place, _ when no
ray of light was reflected upon
the disappointed experimentors.
— The conclusion now, is that
the effect is phosphorscent, from the
salt water, like the light produced
by the collision of two pieces of [Coal/looss/loaf?
Sigar?] in the dark:_ When the
air is clean it is much less so than
when damp. that is, the luminous
effect is much less — and only seen
when the water is agitated – –
Among the rest of the expts I
endeavornd to ascertain the proportion
of Sea salt in a pint of
water _ and by a rough expt
(having no scales to weigh it). I
suppose it is not less than two
table spoonful moderately heaped.
— It was done by graduating
a weighted cork to the bouyancy
of sea water and then with the same
cork which sank in fresh water
adding as much salt as made
the cork rise to the same point.
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