Page 48




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Saw a large fowl feeding on
a fish in the water this forenoon
of a very duck-like appere _ also
a Miller or mosquetoe ._ which
are said to be symptomatic of
land _ a head _ The calm continus
to night a some fog and drisling
which puts a stop to my participation
in the deck experiments
and I leave them, to come below
and say that I am sorry there is
such an enmity betwen our
inclinations and the task of
writing — This alone must account
for the meagre fare you will experienc
on receiving this _ for I am
sure if I was on land and had
seen and felt so many strange
and new sensations, that I could
have clothed them with a
more interesting expression — at
least I could have spoken of many
more things that might have
amused you

7th day 7th

Twenty one days out to day
and not a little anxiety expressd
on all hands for winds to blow

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