Page 78
which in the course of about an
hour afterward was confirmed
by some fishermen who were fishing
on the Nymph bank in a
boat with sails about the size
of our long boat – They came to
meet us holding over the side
of the boat some strings of fish -
for sale - but the sea was
to high and we in too much of
a splutter to stop == But, a
bottle of Rum was corked up
and tied to piece of plank and
"hove" by the board for them.
They gave us some hearty
cheers and had the satisfaction
of fishing up the bottle in
our presence.– It was an
open boat and appeard to have
about four persons on board
— another fishing smack in
sight and more land to wind
ward – Wateford and the Tusker
Light house ahead = But
I wonder if you will not
think I am "cracked" to be
giving you such trash?
I have but little doubt you
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