Page 86
hearts of sterner stuff than
mine _ with this feeling
uppermost, I resign the pen for
this day _ and bid adieu
to its various incidents for
that repose which I need, but
can hardly calculate upon
receiving _
4th day 12th
I have been both out and
in, in my calculations of last
night. _ The breese left us by
morning and now at two oClk
P.M. it is al–mo–st a calm. _
It has indeed rather turned
against us _ and we may
not see our port so soon by
days as was so fondly anticipated
yesterday _ I was
however right in looking for
but little rest _ by 12 I was
asleep and at four awakened
by one of the most un-earthly
sepulchral sounds that ever
met my ears _ _ "again &
again" it was reiterated on
deck _ a candle was burnng
in the cabin altho day light _
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