Page 7




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all eagerly anxious to profit by the
visits of the stranger; such for instance,
as porters, – coach – callers, — coachmen,
waiters from Hotels, and placemen from
boarding houses, with blarney and tickets
printed and written, inviting the sea sick
travellers to the repose of "quiet houses"
"cheap fare" and "comfortable accomadations,
for almost less than nothing" - –

On the back of this, coachmen and
their myrmidons were offering cards containing "good
news" – "wonderful discoveries" – "still
better" – "ne plus ultra" – "magnum
bonum" and the mischief knows
what all which amounted to nothing
more than to inform you of the
cheapest coach fare to London and
all other parts of the Kingdom being
found at their respective offices =
and accompanied by frequent
and unceasing enquiries as to where
you were going – whether "to London
or where?" – To these impertinant
queries, I made no answer, or but
one that I wanted their importunities
suspended, as I had no need of
their services – one or two cards

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