Page 35




Status: Complete

ANSWERS SOLICITED.--The following are fifty conundrums, the answers to which are the names of fifty popular authors.

Teachers, and the advanced pupils in our schools are requested to send in answers, and when the list is complete it will be published.

1. What a rough man said to his son when he wished him to eat properly.
2. Is a lion's house, dug in the side of a hill where there is no water.
3. Pilgrims and flatterers have knelt low to kiss him.
4. Makes and mends for first class customers.
5. Represents the dwellings of civilized old men.
6.Is a kind of linen.
7. Is worn on the head.
8. A name that means such fiery things I can't describe their pains and stings.
9. Belongs to a monastery.
10. Not one of the four points of the compass, but inclining towards one of them.
11. Is what an oysterheap is apt to be.
12. Is a chain of hills containing a certain dark treasurer.
13. Always youthful you see,
But between you and me,
He never was much of a chicken.
14. An American manufacturing town.
15. Humpbacked but not deformed.
16. An internal pain.
17. Value of a word.
18. A ten footer whose name begins with fifty.
19. A brighter and smarter than the other one.
20. A worker in precious metals.
21. A very vital part of the body.
22. A lady's garment.
23. Small talk and a heavy weight.
24. A prefix and a disease.
25. Comes from an unlearned pig.
26. A disagreeable fellow to have on one's foot.
27. A sick place of worship.
28. A mean dog, 'tis.
29. An official dreaded by the students of English Universities.
30. His middle name is suggestive of an Indian or a Hottentot.
31. A manufactured metal.
32. A game and a male of the human species.
33. An answer to "Which is the greater poet, William Shakspeare or Martin F. Tupper?"
34. Meat! what are you doing?
35. Is very fast indeed.
36. A barried build of an edible.
37. To agitate a weapon.
38. Red as an apple, black as night, A heavenly sign or a "perfect fright."
39. A domestic worker.
40. A slang exclamation.
41. Pack away closely, never scatter, And doing so, you'll soon get at her.
42. A young domestic animal.
43. One that is more than a sandy shore.
44. A fraction in currency and the prevailiug fashion.
45. Mamma in the perfect health my child, and thus he named a poet mild.
46. A girl's name and a male relative.
47. Take a heavy field piece, nothing loth, and in a thrice you have them both.
48. Put an eligible grain twixt an ant and a bee, and a much beloved poet you will speedily see.
49. A common domestic animal and what it can never do.
50. Each human head, in time, 'tis said, will turn to him, tho' he be dead

I am composed of 37 letters:
My 11, 18, 16, 35, 31, is the present time.
My 3, 2, 5, 10, is what we should improve.
My 22, 9, 20, is plentiful Winter.
My 25, 4, 18, 34, 16, is not a discord.
My 32, 10, 6, 30, 26, 20, 28, occurs in the first
stanza of Yankee Doodle.
My 7, 29, 17, 9, 12, 37, 19, was the author of this
My 1, 24, 8, 30, 23, 29, 20, 28, is an American
My 36, 14, 21, 15, 20, 17, 25, 10, is a manufctur-
ing town in Massachusetts.
My 30, 33, 27, 16, is a cold-blooded animal.
My 13, 35, 29, 3, is to linger.
My whole is a famous sentence spoken near the
close of the war.

PRONUNCIATION - A copy of Webster's
Unabridged Dictinary was offered at a
Teacher's Institute in Pennsylvania to
any teacher who would read the follow-
ing paragraph and pronounce every
word correctly, accroding to Webster.
No one succeeded in earning the Dic-
tionary, although nine teachers made
the attempt:
'A sacrilegions son of Belial, who
suffered from bronehitis, having ex-
hausted his finances, in order to make
good the deficit, resolved to ally himself
to a comely, lenient, and docile young
lady of the Malay or Caucasian race.
He accordingly purchased a calliope
and a necklace of a chameleon hus, and
securing a suite of rooms at a principal
hotel, he engaged the head waiter as
his coadjutor. He then dispatched a
letter of the most unexceptional caligra-
phy extant, inviting the young lady to a
mantinee. She revolted at the idea, re-
fused to consider herself sacrificable to
his desires and sent a polite note of re-
fusal; on receiving which he procured a
carbine and bowie knife, said that he
would now forge fetters hymeneal with
the queen, went to an isolated spot.
severed his jugular vein, and discharged
the contents of his carbine into his ab-
domen. The debris was removed by
the corner.


In answer to the offer in our last issue,
"to furnish a copy of EVERY SATURDAY free
for one year to the person who gives the
authorship of the greatest number of these
quotations correctly," we have received
many responses the successful ones being
those of H. H. Craig and J. P. Walter of
this city, and Walter H. Wilson, of St.
Louis, Mo., who gave the authorship of all
correctly in each case. We append the list
Music hath charms to soothe a savage
breast. - [Congreve's Mourning Bride.
Hell bath no fury like a woman scorned.
- [1b.
She walks the waters like a thing of life.
- [Byron's Corsair.
How happy could I be with either, were
t'other dear charmer away. - [The beggars'
Opera. - Gay.
Man's inhumanity to man makes countless
thousands mourn. - [Burns.
Nursing her wrath to keep it warm. ---
[Burn's Tam O'Shanter.
'Tis sweet to hear the watch-dog's honest
bark bay deep-mouthed welcome as we
draw near home. - [Byron's Don Juan.
Between two worlds life hovers like a
star upon the horizon's verge. - [1b.
'Tis distance lends enchantment to the
view. - [Campbell's Pleasures of Hope.
Like angels' visits, few and far between.
His back to the field and his feet to the foe.
Procrastination is the thief of time. -----
[Young's Night Thoughts.
A gilded halo hovering round decay. -----
[Byron's Graour.
They also serve who only stand and wait.
------ [Milton.
The stern joy which warriors feel in foe-
men worthy of their steel. - [Scott's Lady of
the Lake.
To party gave up what was meant for
mankind. - [Goldsmith's Retaliation.
To point a moral or adorn a tale. - [John
son's Vanity of Human Wishes.
A little bench of needless bishops here,
and there a chancellor in embryo. - [Shen-
stone's Schoolnistress.
Made a sunshine in a shady place. ----
[Spencer's Faerie Queene.
Airy tongues that syllable men's names.
----- [Milton's Mask of Comus.
As idle as a painted ship upon a painted
ocean. - [Coleridge's Ancient Mariner.
God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb.
------[Sterne's Sentimental Journey.
A thing of beauty is a joy forver. ------
[Keat's Endymion??
A flower of meekness on a stem of grace.
-----[Montgomery's World Before the Flood.
'Tis not in mortals to command success;
we'll do more, deserve it. -----[Addison's Cat?.
Like Dead Sea fruit that tempts the eye,
but turns to ashes on the lips. ---- [Moore's
Lalla Rookh.
Coming events cast their shadows before.
------ [Campbell.
All went merry as a marriage bell. - [By-
ron's Childe Harrold.
Where youth and pleasure meet to chase
the glowing hours with flying feet. ----[1b.

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