Page 272




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Kalutunak who guided our returned
party from [Tessensah?] where they
had built their hut, made a continuous
journey of 520 miles in eight
consecutive days. During all this time
he did not change his dogs. When
I saw him the temperature was below
-50°. He was standing in the open air
cool scratching his naked skin. His
dogs apparently ready for a second
journey which in effect they made
eight hours afterwards.

We, I mean by that "Poor Elish"
and his party are effeminate neddy
Whites besides these these indomitable
savages. A hard experience has
taught us to follow their guidance in
all matters of Arctic Craft but
we have to add a host of European
appendages to these outdoor clothing.
Imagine me then externally clad as
I have described, but within
cased with furs and woollens like [a] the
nucleus of a nest of crucibles.

[labeled sketches]
1. Outer Jumper
2. Inner Jumper
3. Buckskin [S?]
4. Woolen or Silks
I. Bear Skin
II. Dog Skin Sock
III. Reindeer Sock
IV. Eider Down Stocking
V. Woolen [?]

Without the above I cannot keep my
circulation on a sledge or without active

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