Arthur W. Hummel Sr., notebooks, Fenchow, China 1914-1924

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Image 16

Image 16

[Page 1] 惠 hui kindness 叀 [glyph] ch'uan1 represents probably an ox [glyph] with a yoke [glyph] and the one trace that was under the animal in the primitive harness [therefore] so meaning to attach, to draw. Char = that which attracts 叀 the heart [therefore] benevolence. Use this in sermon.

雪 hsueh2 snow = frozen rain which may be swept up by the hand.

介 chieh4 boundaries. the lines that separate [人?] men 人

溫 wen1 to feed 血 a prisoner 囚 so, benevolence, charity, and give him drink.

帚 [glyph] chon3 a dusting-brush, made with a cloth fixed by the middle to a handle. Invented in 21st century B.C. according to the [Glose?], and still used in [an?] our day. a hand [glyph], a handle [glyph] and a double cloth [glyph] hanging 婦 fu4 a married woman 女 with a broom 帚.

友 [glyph] yu3 friend the right hands of two friends acting in the same direction, for, says the [Gloe?], true friends are those who cooperate.

在 tsai4 at, in, as, [glyph], 才 t'sai2 represents the stem of aplant facing its way above the ground. [撇] represents the stem, [橫] the branches on the top, and [橫] the ground below. So strength, [coparity?], power. 在 means to exert one's activity 才 in the earth 土 one's presence in a place 土 is manifested by one's activity 才. So to be in, at, be present, to live, to act.

[Page 2] 寧為 玉碎, 不 為瓦全 Better be a bit of broken jade than a whole tile. Rather be a unmarked piece of precious jade than an unbroken tile.

嗔拳不打笑面 An angry fist cannot strike a smiling face - from 事物紀 原. A Sung encyclopedia by Kao Ch'eng 高承 A central China proverb from a play in which the Chen-ch'en actor wears the mark of an angry barbarian.

[Page 3] If a man does not lala, one person goes hungry; if a woman does not spin, one person goes cold.

署天無君子 no man is a rain in the dog days.

富人捨錢, 窮人捨力 A rich man expends money, a poor man expends strength.

山如好友不嫌多 Hills are like good friends, one can't have to many! Giles under 山

請客容易, 欵客難 It is easy to invite guests, but hard to entertain them. - Giles Dict 6385

畫鬼容易, 畫馬難 because demons can't be verified while horses can: We have a test for accuracy for the latter.



不為良相, 當為良醫 [where?] the too ambitious a Chinese mother bad for her son.

失去黃金有尋處 失去光陰無處尋 a scroll couplet.

美不[?]鄉中水 good or not 'tis the water of one's native place, and therefore food.

Last edit over 3 years ago by gkhalsa
Image 17

Image 17

[Page 1] 是 shih4 to be, right. 止 ([glyph]) chih3 a foot either at rest or in motion. 正 ([glyph]) cheng4 to arrive and to stop 止 at the line [橫] the limit where one had to reach without going astray - so correct, straight, regular. 是 what was controlled 正 at sunlight, 日, so truthfulness, reality, existence.

對 tui4 opposite, to agree. [glyphs] [glyphs] tsao2 represents the sucessive division and subdivision of a trees branches. So multitude, emanation, faggot, collection. To apply a 寸 measure to the luxuriant [glyph] vegetation of the mouths 口, ie, the testimony of men to see whether they agree or not. In order to regale to his officials that one must not rely on every mouth's 口 testimony, but only on the testimony of the sages 士 which alone deserve to be examined 寸, the Emperor 文帝 Wen-ti of the first Han changed by decree 口 into 士, thus making the modern character which was contracted by the scribes.

祝 chu5 a man ㄦ praying 口 for a revelation 示 示 shi4 influx how heaven is revealed in the three objects [glyph] sun, moon, stars, which hang how heaven 二 (上). 兄 huang mouth 口 or a man ㄦ - to speak emphatically, authoritatively 兄 hsiung1 elder brother who exhorts the younger

娶 chü3 to marry - to take [?] a woman 女 by the ear 耳. In ancient times the left ears of prisoners were taken when captured in war. C. Hidoyishe in Japan and famous ear mound in Kyoto. See

[Page 2] 祭 chi4 to sacrifice; offering & of meat [?] that brings down the influence 示 from heaven.

奈 [glyph] nai4 omens 示 derived from trees 木 also help, resource. Cf. 禁 [glyph] chin4 bad omens 示 derived from trees 林. So to prohibit, warn against, forbid.

桼 ch'i2 varnish - which falls in drops from the branches and trunk of a tree ch'i2 varnish - which falls in drops from the branches and trunk of a tree 木

隱 yin3 retired, private life [glyphs] yin3 to enjoy the result of the work of one's hands [glyphs], and so have peace of heart 心 safe inside a wall [阜 radical] - the Chinese ideal

茂 mao4 luxuriant, flourishing 戊 wu4 a halberd with a crescent when crops 艹 are protected by weapons 戊 they will flourish in China - not so otherwise.

島 tao3 an island [glyphs] niao3 a contracted form of 鳥([glyph]) without the feet. a bird with a large tail. Char: The tops of mountain 山 such that emerge from the sea, as which the sea-birds 鳥 rest.

德 te2 直 chih3 = when ten + eyes 目 look a deviation [glyph] will be discussed - refers to time when neither [?] [nor?] ruler were ([discovered a) invented. Char: to have [wool?] 心, principle 直 and to act 彳 that way.

疒 na4 disease to lie - on a bed 爿 ([glyph]) and be sick 病 ping4 丙 ping3 = a fire, calamity fire 火 under a roof 宀

恩 en1 the feeling 心 which is [shown?] to a man 大 in prison 口

[Page 3] 假 chia3 false. Cf. 皮 pi2 [glyph] to skin, the right hand [glyph] rubbing the skin [glyph] probably with a knife [glyph]. 叚 [glyph] chia3 false, to have two = skins [glyph], a [?] skin over one's true skin.

敝 pi4 [?] rags & tatters). a piece of cloth 巾 riddled with holes [glyph] (a [division?]) [攴 or 攵] represents the physical action that tore the cloth 巾 into shreds.

老 [glyph] lao3 a man 人 whose hair 毛 [glyph] transforms [?] itself, changes to white, so [old?] Cf. 孝 hsiao4 what sons 子 owe to parents Cf. 考 kao3 examine the asthma 丂 of old men 老 whose nature it is to question and repeat. cf. 教 chiao1

拜 pai4 to worship [glyph] two hands 手 that held down [glyph], according to internal reverence.

古 ku3 that which passes thru ten mouths tradition dating back ten + tenerations

看 [glyph] k'an4 see. The hand [glyph] covering the eye 目 in order to see well.

厭 yen4 dislike [glyphs] to be satiated, be glutted, (甘 was changed by the scribes into [?] with meat [肉 radical] of dogs 犬. This satiety seems to have been the ideal one, until belching took place (ancient [fan?]). By extension disgust aversion. It is now replaced in this sense by 厭 [glyph] the retreat [glyph] from eating.

喪 sang4 to lose, despond; 1st tone = mourn [?] 哭 [glyph] ku1 lament, [?] after the [?] of dogs 犬. 喪 [glyph] sang1 funerals, to wail 口 口 口 口 hsuan1 = clamor[ing?] dogs 犬 over the dead

Last edit over 3 years ago by gkhalsa
Image 18

Image 18

[Page 1] 算 suan4 abacus calculate. The two hands [glyph] playing with the abacus 目 which is made of bamboo 竹.

莫 [glyph] mo4 the sun 日 fading away at the horizon, in the plants [茻] mang3 luxuriant vegetation). So to disappear, be no more, negation.

葬 [glyph] tsang4 the ancient burial; to tie [橫] of grass [茻]. The tie [橫] has disappeared for the modern character

甘 [glyph] kan1 something [橫] sweet held in the mouth 口, so sweet agreeable. 凵 k'an3 Rad 17 may be phonetic

言 [glyph] words issuing [glyph] from the mouth 口 - the "sounds of the heart" says the Glose. [glyphs] ch'ien2 to offend 干 a superior [橫] ; to attack, to face

口 [glyph] k'ou3 mouth the chin [glyph] with the mouth across it.

自 [glyph] tzu4 nose, self, origin. The chin [glyph] with mouth [glyph]; and nose [glyph] when man in South is asked where is this? he replies by pointing to his nose with [?] fingers.

曰 [glyph] yüeh1 the model 口 that exhales a breath [glyph], a word.

休 [glyph] hsiu1 to stop, rest, cease, a man 人 resting under a tree 木. To cease to live with a wife, to divorce her.

拔 pa2 root up, draw up or out. 犮 [glyph] pa2 a dog 犬 led in a leash by a string tied to the leg in Chinese fashion. 拔 the hand pulling a dog at the leash.

至 [glyph] chih4 a bird bending up its wings darts down straight to the earth [橫], to go to, arrive, reach.

[Page 2] 會 [glyph] hui4 words that people say 曰 at the door [glyph] when they meet [glyph]

曾 t'seng2 words that people say 曰 to each other when still at the door [glyph] at the moment of departure [glyph], so still, more.

難 nan2 difficulty [glyph] = [glyph] han4 = clay 土 dried int he sun 日. In combination 日 is omitted. Top of char is part of 黃 [glyph] huang2 yellow - yellow 黃 earth 土 a clay. The state in which birds 隹 are when earth 土 is clay and barren, famine, difficulty.

李 li3 plum (baggage) a tree 木 the children 子 are fed of.

字 tzu = a character 子 [glyph] a [glyph] Tzu3 a newborn child swathed up. That is the reason why the legs are not visible. In an ancient form the child has hair [glyph]. By extension disciple, sage, teacher, because the ancient emperors, in order to do them honor called them sons 子. 字 Tzu4 to bear and to nurse, to have children in one's home. By [extension?] new characters begotten by the process of composition. The 文 made by their authors gave birth to the 字. says the [Glose?].

罪 tsui4 sin 自 [glyph] tzu4 (1) self or (2) starting point This char 罪 was first written 辠 self 自 criminal 辛([?] + 上) to offend one's [surplus?]) A literati substituted 辠 for 皇 ([glyph]) huang2 in the name of Emp Ch'in Shih (first) Huang 247 BC. Not wanting to be called the "first sinner" Emp. [rded?] Char. to be written 罪. The Emperor's title was Shih Huang Ti 始皇帝 Fist Emperor

[Page 3] 俎 [glyph] tzu3 a sacrificial table 且 filled with meat. 且 chieh3 formerly pronounced tsu3 (phonetic here) or [ch'ü?]3 represents a small stand with two rungs [2 橫] above the ground [橫], which was used in sacrifices and is still seen in Chinese homes (now used [chia chieh?] to mean and, morever etc). Cf. 詛 tsu3 the words 言 of praye r used in the sacrifice.

棄 [glyph] ~ [glyph] ch'i4 to reject, cast aside. [glyphs] t'u2 [?] of child need foremost, in natural [portion?] Cf 子 [glyph] [glyphs] pan1 a sort of fork or shovel. The ancient form represents two hands throwing away a new born. The more recent form shows two hands with a fork or shovel to push aside a new born - an allusion to Chinese infanticite. This character was used to name 后稷 Hou-chi who was cast away by his mother.

哀 ai1 to lament, grieve, pity - clothes 衣 [glyph] used for wailing [glyph]

慰 wei4 to iron out, smooth out the heart, to pacify, soothe. [glyph] i2 composed as [glyph] jen2 the feelings which link each man 尸 to his neighbor [2 橫] (mutual) Phonetic in 尉 [glyph] wei4 to smooth cloth, hand [glyph] holding a hot iron - to make even. 慰 wei4 to soothe the heart 心.

愁 ch'ou2 sad, grieve. autumn 秋 is time when heart 心 is apt to be sad, melancholy

炭 t'an4 charcoal or coal 屵 [nan4?] steep [nde?] 厂 of a mountain 山 which contains coal 火

Last edit over 3 years ago by gkhalsa
Image 19

Image 19

[Page 1] 昏 ([glyph]) hun1 dusk twilight when the sun 日 is below 氐 (dot below 氏 suppressed in compound) the horizon Cf. 旦 tan4 dawn - sun 日 above horizon [橫]

糞 [glyph] fen4 manure - the modern character is totaly distorted. The top is not 米 mi3 but 釆 pien4 (step of wild beast, so to discriminate, sort out. Two hands [glyph] carrying a shovel [glyph], and collecting 釆 manure.

身 [glyph] shen1 primitive meaning = conception (有身 still means to be pregnant) the character represents a human body 人 with a big belly, and a leg moving forward to keep the equilibrium. So a body, person.

梟 hsiao1 owl, criminals' head hung up, smuggler, brave. a bird 鳥 in its hiding place waiting for prey on the top of a tree 木. The head alone is seen, the feet are hid in the foliage, hence the contraction [glyph]. To expose the heads of criminals in cages or on the top of a tree in terror.

暴 [glyph] pao4 isolation, exposure to the sun 日; to spread out [glyph] the grain 米 when the sun 日 is risen 出. By extension any intense, violent action or influence.

莽 [glyph] mang3 a hound 犬 pursuing an animal in the thickets. Jungle, rude. A kind of grey hound. [glyph] 茻 mang3 luxuriant vegetation, is phonetic.

壬 [glyph] jen2 a man [豎] who carries a load [glyph] with a bamboo pole and loads [on?] each end so a load, burden, bear, endure. Used to mean the 9th of the 10 cycle stems and 任 was used to replace it.

[Page 2] 眾 [glyph] chung4 乑 [glyph] chung4 gathering, meeting Tres. collegium faciunt. The visual 罒 space full of men 人, a crowd, all; all the men taken in at a glance. Scribes strangely altered this character to 眾衆 etc.

豐 feng1 abundant [glyphs] feng boughs shouts, vitality, property, abundance. Char: ; The first ancient fan [glyph] represents a threshing floor - heaped with [glyph] grains and sheeves [glyph]. In the modern form 豆 represents a cup 凵. On top are boughs symbols of plenty carved in the cup. The cup became 山 multitude, mountains of grain and a another cup was added below. "My cup runneth over."

集 [glyphs] chi5 亼 chi2 union, assemblage, Tres. collegium faciunt. This character was superceeded by 集. Three birds (a great number) roosting on a tree. So an assembly, meeting, market, fair.

東 [glyph] tung1 the sun 日 rising in the east above the trees 木. shining under the top [橫] of the trees 木.

屚 [glyph] lou4 rain 雨 soaking thru a roof 尸 (屋 [glyph] wu1 abode place where a man arrives, 至, takes rest.)

貧 [glyph] p'in2 poverty, pecuniary difficulties. That to which leads the partition 分 of goods 貝. Since Chinese families have many members poverty follows such partition.

毀 [glyph] hui3 to destroy. Came from an ancient character 毇 to pound 殳 rice 米 in a mortar 臼. Dust 土 was substituted for 米, hence the general meaning to grind to dust, destroy.

滅 烕 mieh5 to extinguish. (戍 hsü5 spear and a wound [橫]) to destroy 戍 fire 火 This character is now written 滅

[Page 3] 喜 [glyph] hsi3 Joy singing 口, and the sounds of drums 壴 [glyph] chou4 a drum [glyph] on a stand, the skin [橫] with its ornaments [glyph] or perhaps the right hand that strikes. Cf. 壴 [glyph] [?] and 樂

樂 [glyph] yueh5, be an [ornamented frame?] which are hung a bell and two drums. 白 is not pai5, 幺 is not yao1, [?] music when read, le5 it means effect produced by music, joy.

正 [glyph] cheng to arrive 止 at a line, limit, regular, straight Cf. 乏 [?] 足 [glyph] gsu4 a foot at rest. 疋 [glyph] shu2 foot 止 in motion, to turn.

駁 po5 to criticize, find fault with. (爻 yao intertwine, interlace, like a net) Originally meant a dappled 爻 horse 馬 which the Chinese do not like; so to criticize etc.

喿 tsao4 singing 品 of birds on trees 木

巢 [glyph] ch'ao2 a nest [glyph] in a tree 木. The nest is seen in the tree and in the nest the feathers of the sitting bird [3 豎].

問 See Proverbs 24:7 Bible 聞閒開闖閂 (shuan1) 人 repeated 从 becaues ts'ung, to follow and trebled becomes 乑 chung, many. 火 fire huo doubled makes 炎 yen, flame, and trebled 焱 piao, awful.

Last edit over 3 years ago by gkhalsa
Image 20

Image 20

[Page 1] 裏子 in Fenchow means lining of clothes, which shows the original meaning of the word.

蔑 [glyph] mieh5 苜 [glyph] mu4 the eyes 目 diverged [glyph] that look in different directions, squint, confused view. [glyph] The men 人 who guard 戈 the frontiers looking in all directions 苜, so that their eyes become heavy from fatigue. Cf. 幾 [glyph] chi1 [glyphs] yu1 = 幺 reinforced, very slender, almost invisible. A guard of soldiers as the frontiers 戍 who are attentive to the least [glyph] movements, the smallest event. Hence, to examine into, subtle, hiddne, small, few.

信 a man standing by his words - faith or trust [?]

俗 su5 vulgar, common - the man 人 who lives all his life in a valley 谷

咠 ch'i1 [glyph] To whisper 口 in the ear 耳 to blame, slander, gossip.

簡 chien3 original meaning a slip of bamboo for writing on. Later took as "terse" "to abridge" as one of its meanings. This may be one proof that the terse wen li style was done in part to the clumsy writing material used in ancient times.

皇 huang emperor. the first 自 born son, the first king, the first-born king. The rose boy was the first born son.

[Page 2] 怒 4 anger 奴 [glyph] nu2 phonetic, a female slave 女 under the hand [glyph] of a master, a guilty woman condemned to pound rice 怒 nu4. The anger 心 which a slave woman 女 felt under the authority of a master.

習 hsi5 the first 自 attempts of a bird to use its wings 羽, repeat, practice

志 chih4 [glyph] 之 [glyph] chih1 a small plant [glyph] issuing from the ground [橫]; tp grpw. development progress. 志 [glyph] chih4 the will a resolve, a purpose 心 developing itself.

乏 [glyph] fa2 = 正 [glyph] turned to the left. The inversion means that one did not reach 上 the line [1 橫]; the point one had to reach. So a defect, be in want, exhausted

陽 yang2 sunny 易 ride of a hill [阜 radical].

尸 shih1 a corpse; Cf. 人 [glyph] a man standing; [glyph] or 尸 a man lying down ie. dead, a corpse.

酉 [glyph] yu3 a vase for liquors and its contents [?]. Compare this picture with present day Chinese wine jars [glyph].

怕 p'a4 white 白 heart 心 fear Cf. 怯 ch'ieh5 a man's heart 心 gone 去 so fear. Cf. 忘 the heart 心 or memory gone 亡 to forget.

白 pai5 [glyph] The sun 日 that rises. This meaning represented by the dot above. Dawn when the Eastern sky becomes white, clear.

[Page 3] 史 [glyph] shih3 annalist, scribe. History. [glyph] a hand [glyph] grasping a 中, the emblem of precision, which befits the historian. Cf. 丈 [glyph] chang4 a hand [glyph] holding a [glyph].

屈 [glyph] ch'u5 grievance, bent over. 尸 is 尾 contracted (tail). To go away 出 with the tail 尾 lowering. By extension oppresion grievance, bent down or away.

羞 [glyph] hsiu1 to offer (丑 [glyph] ch'ou3 a hand [glyph] bound [glyph] to bind, tie up. Now used chia-chieh as a cyclical character. Sometimes in composition means the hand) a sheep 羊 in expiation as a reparation for many. Hence feel ashamed, blush.

寒 [glyph] han2 cold; a poor man 人 in his house 宀, who tries to protect himself from [glyph] frost by burying himself in straw 茻.

恒 亙 [glyph] keng4 idea of passage, of crossing, of duration - a boat 舟 that comes from one bank to another [glyph]. 亙 is often mistakenly written 亘.

耍 shua3 a modern character. To play, as the Chinese actors do, some with false beards而, others dressed like women 女.

帚 [glyph] chou3 dusting brush made with cloth fixed by middle of handle. Invented in 21st cent. B.C. according to Glose, still in use a hand [glyph] handle [1 豎] & double cloth 巾

Last edit over 3 years ago by gkhalsa
Displaying pages 16 - 20 of 104 in total