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To Make The Light Balls
Take 2 ounces of Jordan Almonds blancht and finely
beaten putting to ym in ye Beating, A quarter of A Pint
of Damask Rose Water and 4 graines of Musk Grind
These well together till it be as white as milk; then
Strane the Rose Water hard from ye Almond's, and in it
Lay some gumme tragagant to Steep and when it is
steeped Anough. Straine it Againe, and then take A
Pound of Dubble Refined Sugar finely searsed and the
White of A new lay'd Egg and 2 or 3 Graines of Amber
Grease and beat ym together in ye Morter with the
White water untill it comes to a Perfect Paist, yn make
it up in Balls or what forme you please and lay them.
uppon Paper's and be carefull of ym in the Bakeing as to
ye temper of ye Oven if you observe to makeing and the
Bakeing ym Right they will be as white as Snow and as
light as Puffes.

The Lady Northumberland's Marchpane the Best Way
Take A Pound of Almond's Putt ym into warme Water
and as you blanch ym Putt ym into cold Water then take
them out and dry ym with A Cloth and Beat them in
A Stone Morter in the Beating Putt in A spoonfull or
2 of Damask Rose water to keep ym from turning to
Oyle, yn have 3 quarter's of A Pound of Dubble Refined
Sugar Ready beaten and searsed, when the Almonds
Are Beaten Enough, put ye sugar into ye morter
and mix ym together yn take ym out of ye moreter and Putt
ym in A Silver dish. and sett it upon a chafen dish of char-
Cole and lett ym dry then make ym up into Round Cakes
as thich as your finger and as big as you Please and put
them on White Papers yn putt ym under your Pan for ye
Purpose to Bake and Putt fire over ym butt not two hot when
one Side is dry turne the other yn take ym out and lett ym
be cold, then Ice them with Rose Water and sugar and lett them be
Putt under ye Pan to dry lett not ye fire be very Hott

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