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To Make Cowslip Wine
Take 3 Gallons of Water and Six Pound of ye Best
Powdred Sugar and boyle ym halfe An Houre together
And as the Scum Rises take it off So Sett it to coule
as you doe Licquor and when it is could, take A Spoon
full of Ale Barme (or yest) and 3 ounces of ye Sirrup of
Lemonds, putt ym into ye Licquor and Stir itt well together
and add likewise one larg Peck of Pick't Cowslips lett it
worke Three dayes Stiring it Twice A day, yn putt
it into A close cask flowers and all and lett it Stand
Three weekes; if you Please you may putt into it Three
Pints of White wine (but (I use none) and then draw
it of to bottle and putt into Every Pint the bigness of
A Large Nutmegg of Lofe Sugar if the Season pruves
coule lett it Stand A week longer unbotteled it will
be fitt to drink within 3 weeks after Bottleing

To Make Meed
Take 8 quarts of water and lett it boyl yn
Putt to it 2 quarts of Honey and as it boyls
Scum it very well and then cutt A Nutmegg in quarters
And A lemon Pill and Putt ym into it and lett it
boyle for Three quarter's of An Houre or more So
take it of ye Fire and when it is Cold putt it up in
A vessell with A Spickett, and Putt to it A Pint of,
new yeast lett it Stand Three dayes to Refine
then draw it of into Bottles and Putt into Every Bottle
A boutt 3 cloves venting ye corks Three times ([viz?])
every other day So Strik ym close down and it will
be fitt to drink in A moneth

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