Page 93
To make Red Culler's
Beat a little quantity of Scuchaneale very finely
beaten and putt it into a pound of sugar and boyle
ym togeather A Pritty While yn haveing as much
more Allum As Scuchanneal well beaten putt it into
ye sugar and boyle ym A Little togeather yn Strane it
through A Fine Clean Cloth
To Make Green Culler's
Take some spinnage and beat it well in A Aorter
then strane it through A clean Cloth into A bason
then sett the juice of it upon ye Fire and lett it
Boyle A very little and when it begins to thicken
putt it upon A little Searse and the thick yt Stayes
upon ye Searse must be putt into A Bason And brused
with A little Rose water being Putt to it and then
it will be A perfect green
To Make Green Paift
Take Some Margeritt or Genniteng Apples
Boyle them till they are ready to Pulp and After
drying ye Pulp A little weigh it and to A Pound of
Pulp Add A Pound and A quarter of sugar and boyl
the Sugar till it will Roule and then when it is
of the Fire mingle ye Pulp with it Extreamly
well an then it will be A perfect green paift
To Make Pynable Paist
Beat 2 lb of Blancht Almond's well in A morter
with A little Rose water, then sett on 6 lb of sugar and
Boyle it till it will Allmost roule, then take it
of and grind it with A Little Pestell till it grows
white then putt in ye Almond's and mingle both together
till they be well incorporated yn putting A little musk and
Rofe water if it be very stiff lay it out before it be
could; if no After, it must be layd out in fashon of
of Pasticost Paist and 3 Savoy fennell cumfitts stuck
neatly in it
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