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Transcription Conventions
- Spelling: Use original spelling, including abbreviations such as ye and ym which can be lowered from superscript.
- Capitalization and punctuation: Use original capitalization and punctuation.
- Line breaks: Hit
once after each line ends. Two returns indicate a new paragraph, which is usually indentation following the preceding sentence in the original. The times at the end of each entry should get their own paragraph, since the software does not support indentation in the transcriptions. - Recipe titles: Bold recipe titles by placing three = symbols before and after the title e.g. === To Make The [[Lady Strowd]]s Cake ===.
- Page numbers: Include page numbers written at the top of the page on the first line, before the contents of the page.
- Tagging: Tag all people's names using double square brackets e.g. [[Lady North]].
- Illegible text: Indicate illegible readings in single square brackets:
- Weights and measures: Apothecary's symbols are used for many of the weights and measures (for information about them see The list of measures and their symbols have been transcribed on page 2 and can be copied or typed into transcriptions e.g. 2 lb flour or 1 ℈ ginger.
- Decorative flourishes : Do not transcribe decorative flourishes and lines used to fill space at the end of a line or page.
- A single newline indicates a line-break in the original document, and will not appear as a break in the text in some views or exports. Two newlines indicate a paragraph, and will appear as a paragraph break in all views.
"Autolink" will suggest subjects certain words could be linked to or you can use double braces to link subjects. [[Jane Doe]]
will link the text "Jane Doe" to the subject Jane Doe, while [[Jane Doe|Jane]]
will link the text "Jane" to the subject Jane Doe. We recommend that linking be left to an editor after the initial transcription is made.