A cookery book with index, containing recipes for preserves, cakes, wines, and household remedies [manuscript], 1694

Inscription on front pastedown, ""Liber Dorothea Rousby 1694."


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21st To Make White Leach Take 2 Handfulls of Almond's Blanch ym in cold Water and beat ym in A Stone Morter very fine putt into ym A little cream as you Stamp ym when they be very fine, putt to ym A Quart of good Cream and Strane ym togeather and take A good Peese of Iseinglas and boyle in your creame putt in A Race of Ginger Sliced Season it with Rose water and Sugar yn lett it run through A fine Streaner into Shallo Dishes when it is cold slice it out

To Make Leach of Divers Culler's Boyle A quart of cream putt thereto A Pint of Rose water A Pound of Sugar a Pennyworth of Iseinglass and when it is consumed take up your Cream and putt it into Sundry dishes and run one with Safron one with Sanders Another with Spinnage and as one is cold poure an other uppone it warme So slice it out

To make A Kind of Cream with ye Dressing of Snow Take 3 Pints of cream and the whites of 3 or 4 Eggs and Strane ym togeather and a little Rosewater and as much sugar as will make it sweet yn take 3 or 4 Small Rods tyed togeather such as you whisk cloth with putt your Cream into A Boule and whip it to A great froth and as ye Snow riseth take it up with A Spoon and Putt it in A cullender yt the thin may Run from it, and when you have Suffiteant of ye Snow take ye Rest of ye cream and Putt in a Skellett to Seeth and putt thereto Some hole Cloves A Stick of cinamon and A little ginger brused and Seeth it untill it be thick So Straine and when it is cold Putt it into your dishes and lay your Snow uppon itt

Last edit over 1 year ago by kconnor
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Last edit almost 5 years ago by QueenGeorgi
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22 To Make A Dish call'd Leoman Creame Take 4 great Leomans slice ym very thin and shred the slices very small then putt ym into a Porringer and Squease Unto it Juce of 4 Leomans so lett ym steep About 3 or 4 houres yn take ye yolkes of 6 or 7 Eggs and but 3 of ye whits beat ym well togeather and Putt to ym ye Leoman Juce with ye Pill and A large Porringer and A halfe of faire water and as much Rose water as you think will give it A little taist you may alsoe Add A Little Ambergreas if you Please Stir ym well togeather yn Straine them through A Streaner and Season it with fine Sugar According to your taist yn sett it on A chafen dish of coles Stiring it continnually it must Scald but not boyle and so be kept untill it be as thick as ye Sest creame yn serve it Could

To make Butered Oringes Take ye yolks of 12 eggs and butt halfe ye whits beat them well togeather and Putt to ym ye Juce of 8 Oringes Strane it and Season it with Sugar yt is very finely beaten and a little water and some Amber grease and Putt into it A little Sweet Butter About ye bigness of A Wallnutt; yn Sett it over A chafen dish of coles Keep it well Stired untill it groues thick it will be apt to burne if you have not a care when it is thick Putt it in your dishes and Stick it with green Cytran thin cutt or what you like Better Serve it up cold

Last edit over 1 year ago by kconnor
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Last edit almost 5 years ago by QueenGeorgi
Displaying pages 46 - 50 of 376 in total