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6 To Make ye Lady Bridgwaters Cake Take 8 lb of curron's and wash ym and Dry them very well by Rubing them and you must have 9 lb of Floure well dryed in the oven or before the fire and when it is well dryed. you must break all the lump's betwixt your fingers; yn Put in one Pound and A Halfe of fine sugar cloves nutmeggs cinamon and Ginger finely beaten According to your discretion. carraway seeds and coriander Seeds of Each one Spoonfull the yallow thin Rind of A Lemon shred small Amber greace and musk of Each 2 graines finely Powderd Putt all those into the Floure with a Little Salt then take 2 lb of Butter and Putt it into A Pann And sett it yt it may have A little heat of ye Fire but not uppon the fire to melt then take A Quart of good Creame And A Pint of good Rose water and putt ym together, then beat ye yolks of 10 eggs and five whits very well togeather in ye Beating Putt in some of ye Rose Water and Creame and when they are well bett mix all together ye Eggs and Cream. and Putt in a Pint of Sack and 3 Pints of good Ale yest strain in your yest to your cream and sack Stir them well together, then take your Butter and with your hand's break it, and work it till it is all soft and melted, then Roule in A little of your other thing's by degrees and so work it till your Butter and they are all mixed alike and then Putt in your Floure by hand fulls and stir it with your Hand till all ye Floure is in. Save 1 or 2 Handfulls after you have putt it in your Hoop you must have your oven Hott for you must Keep Stiring of it till it just goes into ye oven then Strow A Little Floure upon it and Patt it Smouth with your Hand when it is enough Ice itt and lett it Stand in ye oven till its dry
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7 To Make a Plum Cake Take 6 lb of corrans washed Picked and well dryed the day before you use them 5 lb of very fine Flowre if you will may dry it in the oven, Spices as you like half A Pound bare weight of sugar mingle all these all well together with your hands lay all those in ye middle of A Board or Pann Then take 20 Eggs Putt ye Whits away beat them very well, Three Gills of old yeast Putt ye eggs and the yeast being mingled togeather on one Side of the Pann, take A Quart of very good new thick Creame let it be just fitt to boyle up, yn Putt A Pound and A Quarter of Butter into ye Skellett and Stir it untill the cream hath melted it yn Putt the cream on the other Side of the Pann, this must not be too hott, then mingle these alltogether on both sids with your hands very well it will be About ye thickness of A Puding, doe it Abroad with your hand's over ye Pan and Strow A handfull of floure uppon it and cover it with A Warme Cloth and lett it Stand An Houre to Rise then make A coffin of Paper 2 Dubble att the bottome and duble att ye sids and Putt it in, then sett it into A quick oven and lett it stand near uppon 2 houres, then take it out and Ice it well with very fine Sugar and sett it in Againe you may Putt musk and Amber Grease in to it of Each 2 or 3 graines and it will be much Better