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13 To Make Gousberry Wine Take one Peck of Ripe gousberryes and take 3 Gallon's of spring water boyle it and Poure it hot on ye berryes lett them Stand 3 Dayes and then Straine them through a Pees of Flanell once or twice then Putt to Every Gallon of Wine one Pound of Lofe Sugar Putt ye Licquor 2 or 3 moneths to worke then Bottle it close and lett it stand some time before you drink itt
To Make Elderberry Wine Take 4 Pecks of Berryes and Pick them stamp and Streane ym yn to Every gallon of Juce add 3 Gallons of Water. Putt ye water to ye husks lett ym stand all night to geather then straine ym out of ye water and mix the Juce and it togeather in A Pann and lett it boyle an Houre before you Put in your Sugar; then to every gallon of Licquor add 2 lb of Six Penny Sugar [^1 [?] mace and cloves & Nutmegg] lett it boyle 1 houre after when it is could take a Peece of Bread and Toast it very Hard and cover it well with yest on both sids Putt it into ye wine and lett it work 2 Dayes then Tun it up and when it hath done workeing Stop it close and lett it Stand 6 weekes yn Bottle it and Putt into Every Bottle A Lump of dubble Refined Sugar cork ym close and Lett ym stand 3 moneths before you drink it
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14 To Make Chockolett Take A Pint of new milk and as much water Boyle them well togeather then take ye yolkes of 2 new layd Eggs with 2 Spoun fulls of Choccolate Shaven downe and as much Sugar beat it well with A spoune full of milk then Power on your milk and water Hott and then Power it too and Againe untill it be well mixt So drink it Hott This is good being drunk every morning And is very Restorative for consumptife People
To Make Popey Brandy Take A Peck of Poppy Flowers well pickt and Putt into Fower quarts of Brandy, add 2 Pennyworth of Licquoris Scraped and Sliced: halfe A Pound of Raysons ith[?] Sunne Stoned, putt all these in An Earthen pott and lett it stand 4 Dayes to Infuse, and yn putt to it A Pound of Lofe sugar finely beaten Fower Pennyworth of Diascourdeum lett it infuse A day so putt it into Bottles
To Make Aqua Mirabelis Take Balme Spearmint Anjellecoe and Saledoun of Every one A Pint of Juce, of mace and Cloves Searse halfe An ounce of Rosemary Floures of Mellalot floures, of Cardemum of Gallengall, and cubies of Each Two Pennyworth, yn to ye 2 qts of juce Putt 2 quarts of Brandy and 1 qt of White wine, and Putt all these togeather into your Alimbeck or Could Still, Run it of very quick, lett it run upon 1/2 lb of lofe sugar duble Refind or as much as will sweeten it to your taist
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15 To Make Cowslip Wine Take 3 Gallons of Water and Six Pound of ye Best Powdred Sugar and boyle ym halfe An Houre together And as the Scum Rises take it off So Sett it to coule as you doe Licquor and when it is could, take A Spoon full of Ale Barme (or yest) and 3 ounces of ye Sirrup of Lemonds, putt ym into ye Licquor and Stir itt well together and add likewise one larg Peck of Pick't Cowslips lett it worke Three dayes Stiring it Twice A day, yn putt it into A close cask flowers and all and lett it Stand Three weekes; if you Please you may putt into it Three Pints of White wine (but (I use none) and then draw it of to bottle and putt into Every Pint the bigness of A Large Nutmegg of Lofe Sugar if the Season pruves coule lett it Stand A week longer unbotteled it will be fitt to drink within 3 weeks after Bottleing
To Make Meed Take 8 quarts of water and lett it boyl yn Putt to it 2 quarts of Honey and as it boyls Scum it very well and then cutt A Nutmegg in quarters And A lemon Pill and Putt ym into it and lett it boyle for Three quarter's of An Houre or more So take it of ye Fire and when it is Cold putt it up in A vessell with A Spickett, and Putt to it A Pint of, new yeast lett it Stand Three dayes to Refine then draw it of into Bottles and Putt into Every Bottle A boutt 3 cloves venting ye corks Three times ([viz?]) every other day So Strik ym close down and it will be fitt to drink in A moneth