A cookery book with index, containing recipes for preserves, cakes, wines, and household remedies [manuscript], 1694

Inscription on front pastedown, ""Liber Dorothea Rousby 1694."


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7 A Dyett Drink To Purge ye Head and Body Au Smallwood Take 4 Gallon's of Strong Ale wort boyle it till it comes to Three yn Putt it up with good Store of Barme yt it may woorke well and when it is ready to Tunn make A canvis Bagg and Putt in these Following Ingrediences; 4 oz of Sena 4 oz Polle-Pode of ye Oake 2 oz of Bay Berry Hulls 2 oz of Anno Seed's 3 oz of Ash Chatt's or Keyes 2 oz of Sassafras wood 2 oz of Rubarb 2 oz of Manna 1 oz of Alicompaine All these Bruised into powder Except ye Manna and Sena wch must be put in whole And when ye Ale hath done working Putt ye Bagg into ye Barrell and Stop it close up after 3 or 4 Dayes Drink halfe a Pint a morning fasting and in ye After noone ye 3 [?] Part of Halfe A Pint, and ye like quantety when you goe to Bed. If you take some Broth an houre before dinner it will work ye Better ye more you Excersise the better you may Drink more or less as you finde it Worke A Very Good Dyett Drink to Purge ye Body and Purifie the Blood Take Halfe a Peck of Scrubygrase and Two handfulls of Watercresses Two Handfull's of Brooke lyme, one of Horse Radsish 1 Handfull of A licompane 1 of Red Dock Root one of Wormwood and one of Saxsefrass, wash scrape and make clean ye Roots Slice bruise or cutt ym into Six or Eight Quarts of quart Ale add thereto 4 oz of muske Rubarb drink A Good Draught thereof After the same in 2 days Old So long as it doth Last (viz) in ye morning fasting and att 10 A clock and att 4 in The After noone and walk after itt you may drink halfe a Pint att a time or more or less as you find it Work's

Last edit almost 4 years ago by kconnor
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6 A very Good Receipt for ye Stone Take 5 lb of Horse Raddish 1 lb of French moles Root 11 English moles Root and Branch, Three Score Parsoley Roots and Branch 1 Handfull of Pelletory 1 handfull of Foles foott 1 Handfull of Bettony 1 Handful of mother of Time 1 Handfull of mouse Eare 3 white Comfrey Roots 2 Red Beach Roots 1 Handfull of Ground Ivey 1 Handfull of Sinkfoile 1 Handfull of broad Plantin 1 Handfull of Feild's Succory 1 Handful of Bome one Handfull of Spiremint, 1 Handfull of Dwarf Elder's Root these all to be washed very clean Boyled in 7 Gallons of Spring Water yn Strane out The Licquor from ye hearb's and Sett it on ye fire yn Add 1 Quarter of A Pound of Sweet Fennell Seeds 1/4 lb of Annoseeds 1/4 lb of Carriander Seeds 1/4 lb Docass Seeds 1/4 lb Carraway Seed's halfe A Quarter of A Pound of commin Seeds : these all to be brused yn Ad 1/4 lb of Stick Licquorass Sliced very thin 2 ounces of large mace one of Cloves and one of nutmeggs the nutmegs and all ye Spcies boyled very well being Putt together in A Bagg, then Putt in 4 lb of Dubble Refined Sugar 1 Quart of Honey after ye Honey and Sugar is desolved in the Affore [Said?] Licquor take it of and Lett it Stand untill it be Could yn then work it up with yeast for 24 houres Draw it of into Bottles and Drink of it as you Please

To Fasten ye Teeth Take dryed Mint halfe A handfull 2 Pennyworth of Red Sander Shaven's 2 Pennyworth of mastick Boyle those in 1 Pint of Spring water and Rub the Teeth with A Ragg being dipt in ye Same It will both Fasten and Clence them

Last edit almost 4 years ago by kconnor
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An Excellent Receipt to Heale ye Lungs or cutt Flegm or Lousen A could Take 2 oz Rasolis Stone ym and beat ym very fine yn Add 2 oz fine Lofe Sugar well beaten and after you have Pounded those well together well in A morter Ad 2 oz of Syr[up] of Popeys, and of consarve of Roses the Like quantety yn Drop 20 Drops of Spirit of vittorall in to itt mixing all well and take morning and night A Knife Pointfull Probat[um] Est

A Receipt for ye Scurvie or Dropsie Take 3 Gallon's of Strong ale and 12 P[enny]worth of Sea Scruby 4 handfulls Brookelyme 4 handfull's of Broume Topps and 4 handfull's of Water cresses bruise those together in A morter, and Add a Small quantety of Alicompaine Sliced Drink 3 Gill of itt for Eight mornings together and Fast 3 Houres After itt

Do [Or?] This Take 2 Pickled Hearings and cleave them then take out ye Back bones And Apply the Affore mentioned Hearings to ye Soales of your Feett and Renew ym Every night for Eight nights together Eat no Salt meat nor Sit up late att night for that Time

To make Elixer Proprytatis Take Aloes ye best 4 oz mirh ye best 3 oz Safron the best 2 oz these to be finely Powdered and mixt together and all Putt into 4 lb of the best Spiritt of Wine with 1 oz of Salt of Tarter, these being Putt into A Retort for yt Purpose and Sett in A Still Bottom ye same Being covered 2 finger bredths thick with Sand And A gentle fire Every day under itt for An hour to warme it well for 6 weekes together being Shaekt every day

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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5 An Excellent Drink For one in A consumption Given By Dr Lamden Take 3 Spoonfull's of Succorie water 3 of Distilled milk 3 of Red Roase water mix ym all together In A Little Pott yn Take 9 Spoonfulls of ye Stripings of A Red Cow or A Black if you have not Red be sure to keep to one Cowes milk for it is not So good to chainge Put ye Affor Said milk into ye Affores[ai]d waters and add as much Sugar Candy as will Sweeten it Sett ye Pott in A Pan of Seathing water for ye milk being Putt to ye water will wax Cold and So Soune as it is blood warme; when you Awake in ye morning take itt and if ye Party be very weak lett ym [struck through] Sleep an Houre or 2 after itt and yn Eat what they like this must be used for A moneth together or longer as you See cause; it is an Approved Reamody

A Receipt for A Cough to Cutt Fleam and heal ye Stomack being sore with ye violence thereof Take 4 ounces of consarve of Roases 2 ounce of Raysons [?] Sum being Stoned 2 oz of [white?] Sugar candy finely beaten; bruse ye Rayson's in A Morter and when they are Small Putt in ye Consarve of Roses and candy Pounding ym all together Add 16 Drops of ye Spirit of Sulpher and 16 Drops of ye Spritt of vittorall these being well mixt take a Knife Pointfull of thiss Electuary Every morning and night as occation offers

To Stay Bleeding Take as Followes upon the 10th of Aprill goe to an Ash Tree and have your watch Sett by ye Sunne and Exactly upon ye very minute of 12 A clock lift up your Ax and cutt a bough of the Same bleed upon a Pd of this Wood and is mighty Efectuall for Staying ye Same

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
Displaying pages 356 - 360 of 376 in total