f. 047v - 048




Status: Complete

Pour entendre ces aleures
Poez veoir ces .ii. figures
Mes pour la chose mex entendre
poez une autre essample prendre
De la terre par ci endret
Par mi le mileu tout adroit
Si que len veist bien parmi
Le ciel dautre part de souz li
Et len getast une pierre enz
Ou une ploumee pesant
Quant enmi la terre vendroit
Ele se tendroit en midroit
Que plus ne pourroit avaler
Fors que par son haut voler
Que de cheoir plus en parfont

[Image: After line 2, there is a diagram in two parts. Each consists of two concentric circles representing the earth and the atmosphere. The figure on the left has writing in the inner circle (label: home qui va par terre). The figure on the right has writing in the space between the two concentric circles (label: com home qui va entor la terre). The label on the second figure contains two symbols (shaped like an f) positioned on the top and right of the circle, which represent a human figure]

Mes tantost reseroit amont
Tant quele refeust enmi
Ne james ne mouroit diqui # Partout ennsus le firmament /
Lors seroit ele igaument
Qui ades torne nuit et jour
Et par la vertu de son tour
Ne puet rien aprochier de li veni b
Dont assez poez la nature
Entendre par ceste figure
Qui poist ainz se tret enmi hic a
Et sen .ii. /.estoit /.leus percie
et le pertuis feust trenchie
Et la terre ausi com ume croiz
Et .iiii. homes alassent dret
Li un desouz lautre desus
Getast chascun sa pierre jus
Que que feust petite ou grant
Ele vendroit tout maintenant
En .i. leu tout droit enmi
Sans soi movoir james diqui

[image: On the top right section of the folio, a circle with another circle inside, representing the earth. The center circle is divided vertically by two nearly parallel lines, with a hole in the shape of a small circle drawn above them (label: terre perciee). The image is in black ink and outlined in red.]

[Line 11: The scribe has indicated an interlinear correction, which means that the text should read “Et sen .ii. leus estoit percie”]

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f. 48r: Line 4 written in the right margin after line 3 with symbols indicating where it is being inserted. In the transcription, this has been represented with subscript at the end of line 3.

Scribe indicates that line 11 should come before line 8 by marking them 'a' and 'b' in the margin.
Word order correction indicated in line 12 to "Et sen .ii. leus estoit percie"