AL padre : al filio : et al spirito sancto Per ogni secul sia gloria : et honore. E benedeto sia suo nome quanto Tute le creature hanno valore. Laudato / e / ringratiato in ogni canto. Cum pura mente con divoto core E confessata sia la sua bontade: Pieta : misericordia / e / caritade.
Petitione. Dolce signor apri le labre mie Illumina il mio cor cum la tua luce. Ela mia bocca annuncii le tue vie Piene de lode / e / sia sempre mio duce Eladiutorio mio : intendo / e / sie Con la tua gratia chel mondo conduce Il mio dir sia consolatione : / e / fruto De tuti quey chentenden tal constructo. Proemio Ad ogni cor gentil / e / mente pura Che desidera intender la ragione Cum la qual segoverna la natura Da un principio ch e prima cagione E unde ha lesser ogni creatura E di lor qualita e conditione Dico che legan / i versi sequenti. Chiamando dio cum li animi attenti. Del spirito sancto. Omnipotente idio padre / e / signore [O] / summa sapientia : o verbo eterno Che fusti in carne nostro redemptore [O] / spirito sancto amor superno [O] / vera trinita chiaro splendore [S]olo un dio vero / e / sempiterno [O] / creatore del universo mondo Principio / e / fine altissimo / e / profondo.[initial: Opening initial /A/, 4-lines, in pale brown wash, outlined in red ink]
[marginalia 1: In the right margin, in brown ink, a few loose scribbles]
[marginalia 2: In the upper right corner, in pencil, in a modern hand: (label: 7605[8])]
[note 1: Initials opening each line, lines 5–27+29–31+33–35, struck through with red; those opening lines 28+32 now lost, but assumed to follow same pattern]
[note 2: In the right margin, the images on fol. 1v show through the leaf in reverse]
POTentia : Sapientia Amore Nel alto imperio cieli cum firma essentia Comanda : e volge : e rege il firmam[ento] Lo qual ci mostra la tua gran potentia Per lo suo ismesurato abraciamento Cognoscessi infinita sapientia A riguardare il grande adornamento Per noy creasti a ciel tanto splendore. E qui se intende linfinito amore
Grande : Veloce : Bello. La sua grandeza passa ogni intelleto. La sua velocita via piu trascende Quanta belleza: e di quale dileto Se vedi in esso chi col cor attende: Verace mente acossi alto rispeto Lalma gentil damor tuta saccende. Desiando poter salire a quelle Nobile creature chiare stelle. TRAMONTANa. Vegio la stella in su chel polo gira Com quelle sette : e due che vano intorno Le qual per necessita assay se mira [:] Da navichanti quando mancha il gior[no] Chi la cercasse : e trovare la desira Lochio suo guardi la bocca dun corno Chi piu sa pressa ad veder le supin[e] Piu fredo sente : e iacciato confine. LAltra TRAMONTANA. Da la opposita parte : e laltro polo Simile a quello / e / fredo di natura Che non se puo mirar dal nostro sol[o] Per che tra noi e quello e grande a[rsura] La qual / e / sempre sotto un cerchio Che fa la notte el di de equal me[sura] Tra questa calda e le due frede z[one] Sono ilochi habitanti e le persone.[image 1: In left margin, adjacent to stanzas 1 and 2, a diagram of a sphere in black ink with a band of pale brown wash around the interior circumference, and the top 180° of circumference traced with dark red. Infilling the circle throughout are multiple five- to eight-pointed stars, mostly in vermillion ink. At 12 o’clock: the sun in splendour, in black ink tinted all over with dark red wash. At 6 o’clock: the moon in her decrement, facing downwards, in black ink outlined with red, the eclipsed side tinted with brown wash]
[image 2: In left margin, adjacent to stanzas two and three, a circular diagram representing climate zones of the Earth, rotated 90° counterclockwise (so text is oriented vertically, top to bottom). External to circle, at 9 o’clock and 3 o’clock: red stars labelled, in black ink (label: Polo articho) and (label: polo antarticho). Area within the circle divided into five vertical bands coloured with washes and labelled, in black ink (left to right): light brown, (label: frigida zona.); gold, (label: Temperata zona.); red, (label: Torrida zona.); gold, (label: Temperata zona.); light brown, (label: frigida zona.)]
[note: In stanzas, majuscules opening each line struck through with red. In headings one and two, every word begins with a majuscule struck through with red; in headings three and four, only initial opening majuscules struck through with red]
[image 1: In right margin, adjacent to stanza 1, a circular diagram drawn in black ink traced in pale brown wash, bisected by a vertical line in black ink. Infilling the circle throughout are five- and six-pointed stars, mostly in vermillion ink heightened with pale brown wash, with those at 10 o’clock to 12 o’clock in dark brown ink heightened with pale brown wash]
[image 2: In right margin, adjacent to stanza 3, a circular diagram drawn in brown ink infilled with loose diagonal hatching in the same. A semi-circular band curves from 11 o’clock to 7 o’clock, passing over the midpoint of the diagram. The band is divided into six sections coloured with washes and labelled, in black ink (top to bottom): red, (label: Aries); dark red, (label: Leo); red, (label: Sagitarius); light brown, (label: Cancer); pale yellow, (label: Scorpio); medium brown, (label: Piscis)]
[image 3: In lower right corner, a circular diagram drawn in black ink, consisting of a small central sphere coloured with a medium brown wash and labelled, in black ink, (label: terra). Surrounding the central sphere are ten concentric circles, coloured with washes and labelled, in black ink (innermost to outermost): light brown, (label: Aqua); dark green, (label: Aere); red, (label: Fecho); mixed light brown and green, (label: Luna); pale pink, (label: Mercurio); pale brown, (label: Venus); medium red, (label: Sole); tan, (label: Marte); medium red, (label: Ioue); brown, (label: Saturno)]
[note: In left and lower margins, the images on fol. 2r show through the leaf in reverse]
O / sole / o / cosa sola singulare Che ne mesuri el tempo in questo mondo Tu ralegri la terra laria el mare Quando rivegion tuo viso iocundo. Ben che nissuna vista puo guardare Per li toi ragii in quel corpo ritondo. La virtu tua ogni cosa produce Stendendo giu per la clara luce.
Similitudo. Perfeta piu chelchuna altra figura E la figura splendida la quale Non ha principio / fine in suaOr non si de alcun maraviliare Come id uno idio sia in tre persone Distincto / e / ciaschadun / e / singulare Non misti ma cum perfeta unione. Tu vedi el sole e il corpo solare E la luce el calor e cum ragione Conosi che non e lun quel che laltro E non / e / poy ne prima lun che laltro.
[image 1: In upper right corner, a pen-drawn diagram, in black ink, representing orientation of sun, moon, and earth during an eclipse. At 12 o’clock, a sun in splendour, tinted gold; below this, two concentric circles surround a central sphere. The second circle bears, at 12 o’clock, a small crescent designated (label: luna) in black ink. The area between the middle circle and central sphere is tinted with light brown wash. The central sphere is divided horizontally across its diameter with the lower hemisphere tinted dark brown and the upper hemisphere left untinted. Two lines radiate downwards from the sun, across the circles, nearly meeting on the diagram’s far side. The path traced by these lines is tinted orange between the outer and inner circles, left untinted between the inner circle and central sphere, then tinted dark brown thereafter]
[image 2: In lower right corner, a pen-drawn diagram, in black ink, repeating image 1, but rotated 180° so the entire diagram—including labels—is upside down. In this version, the sun thus sits at 6 o’clock. A face has been added to the small crescent—designated (label: luna) in black ink—on the second circle, and the central sphere is designated (label: terra) in black ink along its diameter. An additional crescent has been added at 12 o’clock between the inner and outer circles; below it, in black ink: (label: luna)]