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that the sun gives us. If the earth were so transparent that
one could see right through it, one would see the
sun all the time, below the earth and above it.
But because the earth is so dark, it takes from us the
ability to see through it. And it causes the shadow
to constantly turn around the sun, so that it
makes as many turns around the earth as the sun does,
like something that is always in opposition to it [the sun].
And when the sun rises in the east in the morning,
the shadow is in the west. And when the sun is directly
above the earth, that is to say at noon, then the earth
has the shadow below it. And when the sun sets in the west
then we have the shadow above us, which gradually sinks
into the western corner until the sun
shines on us again, giving us the day.
And you can certainly see this, if it is your pleasure,
with nothing lacking, in the drawings that you see portrayed here.
[rubric:] Everyone can see here how the moon
receives its clarity and light differently: [/rubric]

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Marie Richards

original ms. Folio 91r
Walters ms. Folio 96r
BL Royal MS 19 A IX fols 105v-106r
Caxton, ed. Prior, pp 134-136
Gossuin, ed. Prior, 164-165