Page 100


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7 revisions
Marie Richards at Mar 08, 2023 04:54 PM

Page 100

tout alentour de la roe iusques au premier point
Si entendez que en autelle maniere vont la lune
et le soleil par une voie qui est commune aux sept
planettes qui sont ou ciel qui toutes vont par cel
le propre voie tousjours devers orient. Et le
ciel tourne vers occident sicomme sa nature le
mainne. A tant pret ychi fin la premiere par
tie de che present livre pour en la seconde deviser de
la terre et de la fourme du firmament:-
Chi fine la premiere partie de che present livre:-

Chi commenche la seconde partie de che present livre
Et declair comment la terre est devisee et quelle part
elle poeut estre habitee:-


all around the wheel until it returned to its starting point.
So you should understand that the moon and the sun,
in the same way, go along a path that is common to
the seven planets that are in the sky, so that each of
them goes on its own path towards the east. And the
sky itself turns to the west, as its nature
leads it to do. And with this we end the first part
of this book. In the second part we will consider
the earth and the form of the firmament.
[rubric:] Here ends the first part of this book.

Here begins the second part of this book,
which discusses how the earth is divided into parts,
and which parts of it can be inhabited.

Page 100

tout alentour de la roe iusques au premier point
Si entendez que en autelle maniere vont la lune
et le soleil par une voie qui est commune aux sept
planettes qui sont ou ciel qui toutes vont par cel
le propre voie tousjours devers orient. Et le
ciel tourne vers occident sicomme sa nature le
mainne. A tant pret ychi fin la premiere par
tie de che present livre pour en la seconde deviser de
la terre et de la fourme du firmament:-
Chi fine la premiere partie de che present livre:-

Chi commenche la seconde partie de che present livre
Et declair comment la terre est devisee et quelle part
elle poeut estre habitee:-


all around the wheel until it returned to its starting point.
So you should understand that the moon and the sun,
in the same way, go along a path that is common to
the seven planets that are in the sky, so that each of
them goes on its own path towards the east. And the
sky itself turns to the west, as its nature
leads it to do. And with this we end the first part
of this book. In the second part we will consider
the earth and the form of the firmament.
[rubric:] Here ends the first part of this book.

Here begins the second part of this book,
which discusses how the earth is divided into parts,
and which parts of it can be inhabited.