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12 revisions
Marie Richards at Aug 18, 2023 06:00 PM

Page 125

qui par leur vertu rostent lenfleure et la rongeur des yeulx Il y croist aussi une pierre qui est appelle toupace qui a sa couleur samblable a fin or. et qui est de haulte vertu. Ancores y croissent les rubiz qui est une pierre moult prisie et amee entre les hommes Aussi est elle de trop plus grant valeur et vertu que nest la toupace. Elle resioist la veue et si la reconfor te moulte. et par espetial a ceulx qui la portent. An cores y a il en ynde plente daultres manieres de pier res qui en elles ont moult de belles vertues et bontez Et qui plus avant veult savoir de leurs vertus et bon tez poeut lire dedens le livre appelle lapidaire auquel il trouvera leurs noms et vertus. Car pour le pre sent nous mettons fin a ceste matere pour vous racompter des contrees du royaulme dynde. Chi EN parle des contrees des pays des yndes ynde a plente de grandes contrees a merveilles qui sont poeuplees de di verses manieres de gens et de grant plente de be stes de moult de fachons et de conditions. Une contree entre les aultres y nommee perse et com


qui par leur vertu rostent lenfleure et la rongeur
des yeulx Il y croist aussi une pierre qui est appelle
toupace qui a sa couleur samblable a fin or. et qui
est de haulte vertu. Ancores y croissent les rubiz qui
est une pierre moult prisie et amee entre les hommes
Aussi est elle de trop plus grant valeur et vertu que
nest la toupace. Elle resioist la veue et si la reconfor
te moulte. et par espetial a ceulx qui la portent. An
cores y a il en ynde plente daultres manieres de pier
res qui en elles ont moult de belles vertues et bontez
Et qui plus avant veult savoir de leurs vertus et bon
tez poeut lire dedens le livre appelle lapidaire auquel
il trouvera leurs noms et vertus. Car pour le pre
sent nous mettons fin a ceste matere pour vous
racompter des contrees du royaulme dynde. Chi
N parle des contrees des pays des yndes
ynde a plente de grandes contrees a
merveilles qui sont poeuplees de di
verses manieres de gens et de grant plente de be
stes de moult de fachons et de conditions. Une
contree entre les aultres y nommee perse et com


which have the attribute of taking away swelling and redness of the eyes. There is also found there a stone that is called topaz, the color of which is like fine gold; it has great virtue. The ruby is also found there, a stone much sought after and loved among people. It is also of much greater value and worth than the topaz. It is a delight to the eye and is very strengthening for it, especially for those who wear it. There are in India many other kinds of stones having in themselves very great virtues and qualities. Anyone who wishes to know more about these virtues and qualities can read about them in a book called the Lapidary, where one will find their names and attributes. For the present, however, we will end this subject in order to tell you about the countries of the realm of India. [rubric:] This speaks of the countries of the region of the Indies. [/rubric] In India there are many large and marvelous countries that are inhabited by many different kinds of peoples and a great multitude of beasts of many kinds and conditions. On country among these is called Persia. It con-

which have the attribute of taking away swelling and redness of
the eyes. There is also found there a stone that is called
topaz, the color of which is like fine gold; it
has great virtue. The ruby is also found there,
a stone much sought after and loved among people.
It is also of much greater value and worth than
the topaz. It is a delight to the eye and is
very strengthening for it, especially for those who
wear it. There are in India many other kinds of stones
having in themselves very great virtues and qualities.
Anyone who wishes to know more about these virtues and
qualities can read about them in a book called the
Lapidary, where one will find their names and attributes.
For the present, however, we will end this subject
in order to tell you about the countries of the realm of India.
[rubric:] This speaks of the countries of the region of the Indies. [/rubric]
In India there are many large and marvelous countries
that are inhabited by many different kinds of peoples and
a great multitude of beasts of many kinds and conditions.
On country among these is called Persia. It con-

Page 125

qui par leur vertu rostent lenfleure et la rongeur des yeulx Il y croist aussi une pierre qui est appelle toupace qui a sa couleur samblable a fin or. et qui est de haulte vertu. Ancores y croissent les rubiz qui est une pierre moult prisie et amee entre les hommes Aussi est elle de trop plus grant valeur et vertu que nest la toupace. Elle resioist la veue et si la reconfor te moulte. et par espetial a ceulx qui la portent. An cores y a il en ynde plente daultres manieres de pier res qui en elles ont moult de belles vertues et bontez Et qui plus avant veult savoir de leurs vertus et bon tez poeut lire dedens le livre appelle lapidaire auquel il trouvera leurs noms et vertus. Car pour le pre sent nous mettons fin a ceste matere pour vous racompter des contrees du royaulme dynde. Chi EN parle des contrees des pays des yndes ynde a plente de grandes contrees a merveilles qui sont poeuplees de di verses manieres de gens et de grant plente de be stes de moult de fachons et de conditions. Une contree entre les aultres y nommee perse et com


qui par leur vertu rostent lenfleure et la rongeur
des yeulx Il y croist aussi une pierre qui est appelle
toupace qui a sa couleur samblable a fin or. et qui
est de haulte vertu. Ancores y croissent les rubiz qui
est une pierre moult prisie et amee entre les hommes
Aussi est elle de trop plus grant valeur et vertu que
nest la toupace. Elle resioist la veue et si la reconfor
te moulte. et par espetial a ceulx qui la portent. An
cores y a il en ynde plente daultres manieres de pier
res qui en elles ont moult de belles vertues et bontez
Et qui plus avant veult savoir de leurs vertus et bon
tez poeut lire dedens le livre appelle lapidaire auquel
il trouvera leurs noms et vertus. Car pour le pre
sent nous mettons fin a ceste matere pour vous
racompter des contrees du royaulme dynde. Chi
N parle des contrees des pays des yndes
ynde a plente de grandes contrees a
merveilles qui sont poeuplees de di
verses manieres de gens et de grant plente de be
stes de moult de fachons et de conditions. Une
contree entre les aultres y nommee perse et com


which by their virtue take away swelling and redness of the eyes. There grows also a stone that is called topaz, the color of which is like fine gold; it has great virtue. Also there grows the ruby, a stone much sought after and loved by men. It is also of much greater value and virtue than the topaz. It is a delight to the eye and is very strengthening for it, especially for people who wear it. There are in India many of other kinds of stones having in themselves very great virtues and good qualities. He who wishes to know more about these virtues and good qualities can read about them in a book called the Lapidaire, in which he will find their names and virtues. For the present, however, we will end this subject in order to tell you about the countries of the realm of India. [rubric:] This speaks of the countries of the region of the Indies. [/rubric] In India there are many large and marvelous countries that are inhabited by many different kinds of peoples and a great multitude of beasts of many kinds and conditions. On country among these is called Persia. It con-

which by their virtue take away swelling and redness of
the eyes. There grows also a stone that is called
topaz, the color of which is like fine gold; it
has great virtue. Also there grows the ruby,
a stone much sought after and loved by men.
It is also of much greater value and virtue than
the topaz. It is a delight to the eye and is
very strengthening for it, especially for people who
wear it. There are in India many of other kinds of stones
having in themselves very great virtues and good qualities.
He who wishes to know more about these virtues and
good qualities can read about them in a book called the
Lapidaire, in which he will find their names and virtues.
For the present, however, we will end this subject
in order to tell you about the countries of the realm of India.
[rubric:] This speaks of the countries of the region of the Indies. [/rubric]
In India there are many large and marvelous countries
that are inhabited by many different kinds of peoples and
a great multitude of beasts of many kinds and conditions.
On country among these is called Persia. It con-